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Donā€™t forget the food

Have fun!


Fish has been acquired!
Can always count on lidl!

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I think most of us all get lazy enough to fill our fridge/freezer with Lidl food.

But, buying fresh from a fish vendor is so hard to beat!

You already know this Robobro

Frozen cod filets and deep fried fish from Lidl. No need to lie. I like it.

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Ye but fish truck is only open thursday, friday and saturday here :confused:
And Iā€™m not going fishing right after work on a monday, thatā€™s crazy talk.
Lidl got hella fancy smoked fish though!

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Beach life my friend.

Overpriced and seagull infested. But fresh fish for days!

Smoked fish isnā€™t for me. Like the smell

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Ahw man smoked is probably the best man can have on Godā€™s green earth!

I can eat it for snacks and not just fishā€¦ Smoked everything!

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Someone is living far up North. :sunglasses:

Youā€™re in good company. Norwegians and Finns seems to also enjoy smoked fish a lot

Ye smoked deer heart is a delicacy in the nƶrth.
Thatā€™s maybe where I draw the line though. Not so much the fault of smoking but heart and organs in general is a bit meh tbh

Kidney, heart, liver, brain and kebab.

Iā€™ve tried it all. (But only from pigs)

Just proves one thing, most things are edible deep fried

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Deer/elk burger is something I would want to try one day.

Canā€™t be that bad

4 real.
Anything works deep fried. Iā€™d even pause and consider it if someone offered me deep fried humanā€¦ In Minecraft of course!

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You wouldnā€™t say that about a friend of mine.
He loves spicy food more than me.

Red indian curry for 2 days straight, then his apartment turns into a health disaster

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Iā€™ve had minced deer and elk lots of times, but never in hamburger form that I can think of. :o
But doubt it would taste much different than the deer/elk meatloaf, meatballs

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No idea how the meat of game animals is like but right now, am curiousā€¦

Likely doesnā€™t taste like chicken though :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hereā€™s a taster though


Judging by where you live, you wonā€™t have any issues finding game meat in any shape of form :slight_smile:

For real, itā€™s sold there. You will send me and thank you

boar ragĆ¹.


Wild boar is another one I never tried!


Not even as sausage? Probably the most common breakfast sandwich topping when I grew up



Iā€™m a tryEatual. I eat everything once. :yum: