Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Chicken. Chorizo. What’s missing?

Oh right.

(I swear, I’m not trying to get likes from 3 foodies at once.)

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I just saw this post on Zeki’s page and had to show it to Clown. I guess poor Pietro was not amused with that pizza.

Zeki is a Swiss comedian/youtuber of Turkish origin, his sketches are really hilarious. :joy:

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I’ve heard of people eating kiwi with the skin.

Kiwi on pizza. Is this a incoming war vs the pineapple pizza fan club?

Or perhaps an alliance in the making vs the Italians :clown_face:


unfortunately is just in italian…


War! I would rather put kiwi than pineapple on a pizza, sounds a bit less disgusting. :eyes:

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/hug /dance /duel

Pick one, or pick all :sunglasses:


This time it’s a /hug, who would say no to chocolate?

Also, if it’s only pizza crust and sweet stuff it could be good. A bit of sweet & salty is always nice (like the song “Gelato al cioccolato dolce un po’ salato”) :eyes:

Also, Malgy is a legend. :dancer:


Every food is edible. Some of them only once, the others multiple times. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Joining the pineapple club :pineapple:

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It depends very much on how it is made!

I tried it… But didn’t like it, just not my thing.

It has a very strong and specific taste that if not for everyone.

Yet , Bambi (oh :deer:) meat i like , especially long cooked in a smoker.

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Fun fact, male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of the mating season in early December, while females sport their thinner antlers throughout the winter.
Rudolph and the gang were all gals.


I didn’t like lamb kebab at first, but today I enjoy it.
I do prefer beef/chicken kebab but kebab is kebab, unless it’s vegan, then take it elsewhere :clown_face:

Clown wants kebab now.


Today I will go to the Nufenenpass. Almost 2500m of height and max 15°C. Can’t wait.


wow youll be near to the reichenbach falls. ever been there?
lucky you… at 8.00 we have already 27°

I’ve been there! :smile: When I was mmm 15 I think.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face:


No, never. It’s not that bad here, was 23° a few minutes ago.

Funny enough, i get Kebap today :muscle:t2:

I always take it mixed meat. Chicken and beef, with spicy sauce :yum:


All of this kebap talk reminds me of summer of 2009, when a national ad campaign was launched, promoting a “new in town” Ali Kebap with billboards all over the country.

Later it was revealed that it wasn’t a new kebap restaurant chain, but an ad campaign from the ad company itself. The campaign was a success (but caused some drama too, especially from right-wing people lol) and several follow up billboards of the “Ali Kebap” story were released in the following weeks. Was fun to see.


months i never had kebap. i could taste it today.

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I like spicy “kebab sauce” as it’s called here. Along with garlic sauce of course.

We have mixed platters here, with falafel, kebab (beef and chicken) with fries and greens.
Great mix

Couldn’t find a good pic so this will do

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(That TL3 better come soon…)

Can you send some of that cool air down here? :point_right::point_left: it’s not even 10am, and we already have 26 degrees :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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