Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Oi Twiggzy bro, clown has made some progress here. I’m very happy about this

Furry disco gif

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Your workout/diet, doing ok?

Keep it simple and don’t share too much cuz that will huwt their feewings and also summon your clone fan club.

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probally yes , he can now push up 1000 pounds and punch holes in doors as thick off a bank safe

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So can I. Ez

Batman once tried to locate me and deal with me. I now own all his bats.

Let’s just say that Clown explored Batman’s cave and I came out victorious. Of course :sunglasses:

People hurting others (especially animals) hurts my soul. People hurting me, I love it so much :smiley:

That being said, where is Soul? I would love a “Christmasy” flame/insult post from him now

Oh right, he busy delivering packages to ungrateful people. /Respect
Or…banned for 30 days. I can relate

Ok, I have arrived. Sorry I’m late, but it is a busy time of year. Now I’ve been informed that there are two very lonely individuals here that are in need of attention services. Now don’t worry, the service has been paid for already by the charitable organisation - For the Sad Forum Dwellers With No Lives Outside of the Internet Fund, and now a heavy dose of attention is heading your way and will arrive soon. I must give a warning though, attention often comes with a large dose of reality as a side effect and I have been told that at least one of you has a an aversion to that, not to worry too much though, it only hurts for a short while and we offer support services if you truly can’t handle it. Please accept the attention when it arrives, you can’t pass it to anyone else as they have lives and can’t spend every waking moment on the forums seeking it and have no need for it and it is solely meant for yourselves in the hope you will appeased for a little while and start acting like the adults you supposedly are. Have fun with your attention and use it well.

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Clown accepts late arrivals np!

Shake it!

And also, ty for noticing me, Senpai

Oh man, the burger was soooo goooood.

I thought you was s fun person. My fault. You are just annoyin.
This forum is becomin now a garbage litter.


Plot twist: It always was

Yes. But we had a place where to stay. Now is no more.

That is life yes. Many changes!

Like these forums:

Last year I posted this gif in TBC Forum discussion

Got 2 likes and I enjoyed it


blocks your path
you have to go back, let it go ^^

P.S. merry Christmas and Happy New Year


I love all but one of the Assassin’s Creed games. Not gonna say which one


my words mean nothing … if you ask me personally

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yes mate progress is ongoing, im currently in the best shape ever of my life.

and strongest i ever been.

i dont really worry about their sensitivities anymore they do not care for mine.

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it was always a garbage litter.

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