Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Incoming Twiggz’ clone

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and then wonder why nobody likes you … youre all the same… if you ask me personally


Personally, if you ask my hairy wolf personality, I say yes!

I do hope you question my stats! I will link. Once and whatever, after 6th January, im gone :smiley:

wanna imagine the sand Sorcerer Tmog?

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if you ask me personally you would be personally asking me personally about personal things if you ask me personally stop taking it personally if you ask me personally.


i love you twiggz :slight_smile:


Don’t bother with the fakers. They can’t handle the beef.

I can though


Clown must be honest. I can remain 177cm tall. Ez. Weight below 97kg, maybe, But less than 11% bodyfat, not a chance

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depends on your lifestyle after 40, if you are active it is possible.

i know people 60+ in great shape.


Seeing Stallone at 70+. I have faith in my fitness plans for sure :smiley:


Just tend to focus less on protein (used to go for 2grams per kg = almost 200gr of protein per day. But in reality, 150 or less is quite enough

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i dropped the last 10kilos of weight extremely quickly…

and i suffer a bit because of that.

i didnt aim to drop that weight fast it just happened because of life.


Stress and no apatite will do that

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i only take protein shakes on rest days now, i try to eat proper food while training (try too)


yeah last year has been extremely stressful for me… people who are here are also part of that reason but not the only…

but hey i survived and came out stronger for it so , thanks i guess… lol

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Sounds good mate. I still own lots of protein bars from Barebell (might be Swedish only bars)

Same with shakes, I love them, I just don’t need it. Home made food ftw!

And on occasion, KFC/BK chicken burgers :stuck_out_tongue:

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KFC CHicken burger. With spicy jalapenos.

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Couldve just left like you said you would… Not that your word means anything :rofl:

Nah just stick around where its stressful


oh yes, gotta treat yourself at least once a week imo.

my guilty pleasure is sweet and sour chicken (chinese)


Filled my freezer two days ago, 6kg minced meat for 30€ crazy cheap