Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

In Shadowlands the heroic and mythic raids of Legion were still challenging, depending on class, spec and ilvl, so I guess now BFA ones are the same…

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Neffee is correct.


I think Vrahoun means mythic raid, but some bosses require more than 1 player (Opulence i think is one of them).

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It was 11 levels so bfa should be soloable at level 61 but I think they have changed bfa from 50 max to 60 max making the legacy rules not take effect, they also haven’t removed (or hadn’t pre DF) the mechanics that required the cloak and stuff.

However, horrific visions are an absolute faceroll…


They weren’t that tought to begin with to be honest :thinking:

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BfA should be an easily soloable expansion by now, but in reality, during SL Nyalotha was harder than as current…

Same here, I did the Suramar grind in BfA for the race, as well as the manasaber from a normal clear. It was relatively easy, and by now should be mostly soloable on Mythic too.

I do wish Antorus could be easier to solo on Mythic… Eonar is still hard af…

I wanna be able to farm for my set solo without any bumps, innit!


So Similar level how hard are they to solo Spine Deathwing by spines and in Mythic Eonar spawns the demons?

Plain easy, just kill 3 tentacles, and stand in a pool. Gather small blobs, blow 9 of them, lead an amalgam to them, kill, and oneshot the tentacle in the breach, repeat twice.

If you’re a wheelchair class, find a nice flowery place to die, as you won’t be able to reach every demon in time by yourself. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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It´s very fine for me to solo Spine and Eonar


They should but all previous expacs now scale to 60 via chromy time :frowning:

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Chromie Time ends when you ding 60 and raids are unaffected :smile:

If you wanna solo some of them before 60, just disable CT and you should be able to do them.

The point is what i could do at 60 i can no longer do in some aspect’s

Up to Legion you should have an easy job if this is what you mean :smile: mythic raids there depend on your class or spec, heroic should be soloable.

One of my frens did manage to 2 man Nathria at 70, at least certain bosses. Think she was playing a DH for this, if so I don’t wonder… they are literal powerhouses.

i might be … if you ask me personally

for instance… when i traveled through time … to the year 3010… i fought the evil robot king and saved the human race again…


Who has the toy like this one?


I’m happy
My truffle salt cured duck egg yolks will be… edible for new years eve!


Using that toy I can enjoy with Kul Tiran Paladin! :partying_face:

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I have it. I get transformed into a Zandalari. :coin:

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I have a Zandalari paladin who is a healer and can transform into Kul Tiran :hearts:

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Did you try it on a Vulpera? :fox_face:

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