Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Anizah is now a red head. dont summon Soul

Armory will take 10,000 years to update


I already see the new look! :ok_hand:

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Don’t worry, Soul drank a few too many bottles of buckfast on NYE and will be MIA for a little while longer… his toilet will never forgive him :joy:


same with my toilet, after spicy Taco bell… never again

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A few months only! But he looks alright, and so does Roscoe.

Too late, I didn’t read the second part :sweat_smile:

Also, green eyes fit red hair better :wink:


Oh clown!
Are you… Back?

Or am i not seeing straight

(Come on it’s a good joke,)


you have to be gone before you can be back. unless you’re Quasimodo that is. or an american football player. but there seems to be some overlap there in my opinion.


Missed the words of wisdom of my old friend.

Happy new year to you too.

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Seeing the rampant insanity on the forum I tempted the reroll to a Shadow Priest and embrace Their Gift :unamused:
…and a burger
I need a burger too
Dunkiee, one tasty pic, hold the onnions!


thats why i created the thread about Turalyon

we need some fun insanity, not the bad kind


unfortunately ppl seems to have forgot what fun insanity is…



apart from the wow forums, i also use a forums for perfume called (Fragrantica). the mods are very strict about trolling there and even ban the IP adress.

if anyone is interested in perfumes/colognes, might be worth to check out

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One of my favorite movies is Perfume: The Story of a Murderer :eyes:


N’Zoth approves of your words, mortal.

So you need a tasty burger with onions?

This one contains some caramelized onions - not sure myself, but might be a nice find!


it’s unfortunate that Dunkiee chose to troll you with an onionified burger. here’s something simpler with just cheese so you can add whatever you like. enjoy!

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Is that the Italian woman who sold poison disguised as perfume to women so they could murder their husbands?

Always found her story fascinating…

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We need a crusade against vulperas. Now!! Hop on the holy crusade!

Vulperas = Desert Rats, enough said methinks

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Oh, and before I forget, the likespam above came from Souly and Redhead Alts, Inc., so don’t be scared. He just really likes your new look. :smile:

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While that is a good one too, no Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 2006 film set in 18th-century France, the film tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an olfactory genius, and his homicidal quest for the perfect scent.
Long story short, at the end of the film Grenouille has enough perfume to rule the world, but has discovered that it will not allow him to love or be loved like a normal person. Disenchanted by his aimless quest, he returns to the Parisian fish market where he was abandoned as a child and pours the remaining perfume over his head. Overcome by the scent and in the belief that Grenouille is an angel, the nearby crowd devours him. The next morning, all that is left are his clothes and the empty bottle, from which one final drop of perfume falls to the ground, making Paris the irresistable city it is :two_hearts:

Some of them are me :woozy_face: