Do the Earthfury Epaulets still exist?

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’ve been farming Molten Core for a really, really, really long time!

I got exalted with the Hydraxian Waterlords back in 2018. Today, I got the Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. However, I can’t learn the transmog for it as I’m a Shaman :sob:

Despite all this, I still need the ‘Earthfury Epaulets’ to complete The Earthfury transmog set.

My question to everyone is, does this item still exist? Has anyone seen it?

Also, a bit of side question (which is really just wishful thinking!), but does anyone know if there are any plans to make Legendary items account bound so as to allow you to collect transmog appearances, regardless of your class/armour/weapon type?

Yeah they’re still there. If you look at sets in the appearance tab any set you can see there still exists in the game.

Problem is in classic there were no armor tokens so loot tables are about twice as big. Makes the chance of your desired item to drop pretty low.

As for the question about legendary weapons I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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I wish they do, I have Thori’dal sitting in my DH’s bank in hopes that one day they do that, because just like in your case, it dropped for a class that can’t equip to unlock the mog…

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