Do troll druids worship Elune as their loa?

I love to make characters that make sense in the lore. I wonder if this druid is one of them…?

Ordinary trolls do not. But for Zandalari trolls, there are “Lun’alai”, troll druids that worship Elune.

Or not? They call her “matron” staying in moonking form, while other Zandalari call them heretics, saying that this “matron” is not a Loa.

But maybe its not Elune actually.


Well I know that Elune is not an actual wild god but neither was G’huun yet he is on the loa list in the wiki…

According to the trolls themselves, every “spirit” and “god” is a loa.

When the first troll druids went to Moonglade they called all the whisps Loa, much to the dismay of the Night Elves.*

*trying to find the source but it is proving difficult.


I believe it is from Cdev Q&A round 2

The reason it is hard to find is probably because the threads in which these answers was, were removed along with the rest of the old forums.

Anywho, wowpedia have preserved the questions and answers.

What is the relationship between the Ancients of the Emerald Dream and the loa?

Troll druids visiting the Moonglade have been overheard calling the wisps who reside there loa, just as they refer to Goldrinn, Aviana, and the other returned Ancients as loa. Night elves and tauren have tried to counsel these trolls on “correct” druidic nomenclature, but the trolls thus far have been stuck in their ways.


Troll druids in Moonglade.


Anyhow, the Trolls in Cataclysm were taught druidism by Gonk, as well as…sigh…given access to the Emerald Dream.

And just like with the Night Elven druids, we don’t quite know in detail the practicalities of every aspect of their faith and how they come to wield the cosmical powers of the stars. It’s implied it has to do with their spirits, Elune, An’she and whatnot (as can be seen from the name of some spells), but we’re not quite sure, it could also be related to the powers of the natural balance, such as the cycles of the day and the changing of the seasons.

In Legion we discovered ‘Druids of the Moon’, but they might as well have been named Druids of the Twinkle, because the lore doesn’t explain or flesh them out one bit, they’re basically unimportant trivia.

God, the Loa priests and prophets turning into tigons, snake-men and other half-animalistic incarnations of their deities were so much cooler and unique than this druid nonsense sneakily leeching from the Night Elf fantasy because neutral class orders had to exist. I dread the day they become relevant again in the story.

Don’t even get me started on the mere idea that Elune might be the matron of some goofy Troll tribe druid spinoff in Zandalar. No, that’s horrible. Give the Trolls their own badass Moon Loa God.

But, knowing Blizzard, if the earthly hell that is Moonglade ever gets updated you can bet that they will finally accomplish their project of ultimate druidic homogenisation and have the Zandalari squatting in Lake Elune’ara while holding hands with the Kul Tirans and Highmountain singing hymns on how hot the Night Elves’ moon mommy is.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest. :upside_down_face:


I believe they were called Dark Trolls, or even Night Trolls.

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…they were the children of the stars, guided by a luminent Matron…

Yes, those Dark Trolls were the Chosen Children of Elune, the Children of the Stars, guided out from the darkness of the wilderness by the light of the moon.

It is part of the Night Elven creed, it is how they believe they came to exist, since Night Elves generally do not subscribe to the idea of being evolved from Trolls.

You can kind of see the problem, when the warrior mother and matron of the Night Elves, starts to be…everyone’s mother and matron.

That’s generally the problem with gods, they tend to get shared by a lot of people who see different aspects in them which they would like to adopt.

So, you’re saying they’re creationist who do not subscribe to the theory of evolution?

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This is a bit different, in the case that said deity, which previously was uniquely dedicated to the Night Elves, who are her chosen, and her children, is suddenly and retroactively turned into others’ protector and matron.

It’s not only a case of faith in the imagery of the moon, rather than a connection to the divine entity of Elune herself.

Not quite what I am saying.

It is the lore. The Night Elves are particularly religious and in their own case, they don’t believe they themselves were evolved from Trolls, rather yes they believe they were directly created by their Goddess.

It wouldn’t make sense for her to give power to the horde druids that helped in the burning of Teldrassil. I guess shamans should have lost their powers too.

Outlandish abominations !

Now that we are here…
What the hell is up with worgen? They are basically humans turned into werewolves by a druid curse… Learning nature magic is one thing but being a worgen balance druid is … weird

But that’s the thing, She doesn’t. That would be either the Loa Gonk, or An’she and Mu’sha.

That’s why God Powers are tricksy, they don’t necessarily care for the same things. Elune was probably more upset about the Kaldorei loss of life in Darnassus, than the destruction of Teldrassil, which was a corruption of Nature caused by one very Bad Druid indeed, who went on to serve Ragnaros. That’s why it never worked as well as the original World Trees, and Nozdormu refused to bless it, hence the Night Elves did not get their immortality back, just because Fandral tried to buck the system. Alexstrasa and Ysera blessed it, Nozdormu would not. Its also why it was riddled with signs of corruption from the get go.

Elune won’t have cared about Teldrassil the tree, she will have cared about the people living on it. But clearly not enough to save them.

As for Shamans, why? What do the Elements care about something that has nothing to do with them, dwelt upon by people who do not even show Shamanic faith?

Again, differing belief structure, Gilneas had Harvest Witches before the Worgen Curse afflicted them. Ironically Gilneas’ belief structure is more similar to real world Druidic Culture than Night Elf belief structure, but that’s semantics. As for a Balance Druid, well what is the whole point of the ritual that the Night Elves themselves carry out on the Gilnean worgen as a whole? To help them balance between the feral and the thinking, to allow them to control their more atavistic tendencies and not become mindless slavering beasts…

It kinda does work in that regard.

In short, Elune doesn’t power all Druids,
Teldrassil should never have existed in the first place,
Elementals don’t care about such mortal conceits (and probably don’t have the mental framework to understand them)

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After they abandoned Thrall I thought they were sensitive too, lol.

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Except, Blizzard went out of their way to clarify that the Tauren are worshipping the Night Elven matron as one of their divine figures. Mu’sha is Elune.

Why, let’s homogenise the Tauren and Night Elven faiths together and remove any doubts on Tauren having their own moon deity, they’re already similar as it is, so why not dilute them all the way through? Brilliant, can’t wait to discover that the Earth Mother is just a big Night Elf-faced Aessina.

And what’s even funnier is that the Tauren druids instead of having a origin of their own, as you would expect from a people so devoted to nature, they are in fact instructed by the Night Elven demigod and the Night Elven Archdruid.

For all intents and purposes, the Tauren druids use Night Elven practices and teachings in all they do, with the only difference in using different nomenclature for very few things.

Correction, this was back in Vanilla.

Teldrassil was healed in Cataclysm, it was blessed by the Aspects who previously refused to grant their blessings.

The only reason why the Night Elves did not regain their immortality was because Malfurion specifically refused that part of the blessings, but Teldrassil itself was made sacred into the eyes of all who respected nature, by the very same Aspects who made Nordrassil sacred. As was obvious by the flourishing life that thrived on its boughs.

Teldrassil had the rather extensive landscape; tall mountains and deep lakes, rivers and caverns and glades and forests where rose villages, towns and a city, connected by long roads and trade routes.

Now, first of all I will correct you on the Shamanic faith, the Furbolg people lived on Teldrassil as well as the Night Elves, they had more than one village and yes, they indeed practice the Shamanic faith and have practiced it for untold ages, the very same faith the Horde used against them.

And you know, Teldrassil had its own Elementals too:

Second of all, the Burning of Teldrassil brought the wanton destruction of all these things, what the Horde Shamans did was a colossal violation against nature and its balance that even outdoes what Garrosh’ own Dark Shamans did in their time.

I am aware it is poorly handwaved in a throw-off line in the War of the Thorns short stories, but the sheer scope of the Horde’s crimes in one burning sadly goes waaaay deeper than what the writers casually described as the Horde Shamans nonchalantly setting nature on fire.

But then again, most people tend to forget that Teldrassil wasn’t just Darnassus, or just one city of Elves - the writers themselves don’t hammer this point down.

It’s all very superficial.

Key word is had.

The druids of Gilneas, who were called Harvest Witches from outsiders to their circle, indeed seemed that, at least at first, had a peculiar identity of their own from the flavour of their quest text.

This all ended the moment they met the Night Elves.

(As it has happened almost every time a new race got the druid class)

The Night Elven druids taught their version of Night Elven druidism to the current Harvest Witches, it is how they were able to unlock all the powers generally in a druid’s arsenal, instead of…just growing crops. Their faith is the Night Elven faith, they revere Elune and the Night Elven Ancient Guardians, from whom their curse originates.

They see them, the spirits and druidism through entirely Night Elven beliefs.

So much so, that after the questing in Gilneas with Celestine, the one who restored the Gilnean druid circle, she hands you over to the Night Elves for further training and we never get to see an ounce more of flavour quest text that would deepen what we know of the Gilnean druids other than they consider themselves “keeper of the old ways”.

But what are the “old ways”? And what do they entail? Oh well who cares, let’s copy from the druid concept we already have, let’s copy from the Night Elves.

Because, seriously! Who wants unique and original druid concepts anyway? Homogenisation is so cool, isn’t it? Let’s make everyone discount Night Elves!

God bless the Cenarion Circle, what a gift it has been on druid lore.

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Not to mention Kul tirans :joy:
At least their forms are unique

Nah, that was Thralls own doubt, can’t be a Good Shaman if you doubt your ability to convince the elements to work with you. Reason for this is that everyone assumes it was because he used Shamanism in a Mak’gora.

This is utter guff. -If- the Elements cared about such a petty concern, then why did Thrall not lose his powers after the first Mak’gora he and Garrosh which had the same rules “Use everything you have”?

Why would the Elements on Azeroth care what Thrall asked the Primals on a different reality, planet and timeline to do. -If- the Elements of Azeroth and the Primals of Draenor are in communication (They’re not) then the Elements of Azeroth will have known for the last 35 years that Thrall used Shamanism in the Mak’gora, in which case how did he ever become a Shaman in our timeline?

Also, use of Shamanism was fine in that Mak’gora, so there was no abuse of the powers.

Now a Shaman who -doubts- they can control the Elements anymore, well that is a Shaman who -can’t- control the Elements anymore.

It’s Thralls guilt at his doubt as to whether he should have went as far as he did, crushing Garrosh in a massive stone fist then effectively just executing him whilst he was helpless.

Didn’t Sylvanas send most (or all, i’m not sure) Druids to help with healing the Wound in Silithus