Do you support Alliance genocide of Horde races?

Heh, Why? I mean -if- the Alliance has gone down this route, then they have just solidified the Horde, that was in the process of splintering. I mean that is -exactly- what they would have politically done?

Or, they could do the crazy sensible thing and -let it splinter apart!- Win a War without raising a sword. Raise a sword however, and you knit that Horde back together, and then its sad times for everyone. In that scenario there would -be- no Horde schism, as by threatening -Genocide- the Alliance would have bound the Horde even more tightly together…

I certainly support the Alliance becoming more morally grey.

It started with the Void Elf acceptance, then the Dark Iron Dwarf recruitment, then with the Night Elves forcing/demanding Elune give them the power to enact vengeance on the Horde and then going back to the Dark Iron, going full blown fire power on the Zandalari.

It’s making the faction interesting.

Back in Cataclysm, I was hoping the Worgen would bring some morally greyness to the Alliance, but alas, that never happened.

The Horde has been constantly threatening the Alliance with genocide for years, demonstrating often enough that they are not only willing but also able to do so.

So you want the Alliance to play the victim all the time? But this undermines the status of a superpower enormously.

It is time to wring down the Horde so that it can never again become a political danger, if the alliance has the possibility to do so, they (the Horde)can stand united whatever they want.

The outcry for Taurajo on the Horde side has been going on for years now, but if you take the alliance examples as a comparison, it quickly becomes clear who has lost more territories and cities without ever getting a replacement. And then you have to watch the horde take more and more. I can tell you that demotivates.

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The Thing is that the Alliance started out with more cities, terretories etc.
So while they lost more they landed on an even footing with the Horde.
Yes it sucks, but it was needed for gameplay reasons. And after the reshuffle of Zones in Cata the things the Alliance lost were mirrored with Horde losses.
It might not feel fair, but after the game started out unfair in that regard it was needed to make it fair.

The Alliance had more territories and areas as the Lore had determined so as they had lived there for thousands of years, all of them.
The hordes had all been at the beginning of establishing or settling there, of course they did not have huge areas. That’s why they had fewer areas.

The fact that the quests were unfinished was a completely different topic again, but who still knows the old world will forever miss it on the Alliance side, because it was more beautiful to quest many times.

Meanwhile, the Horde has more cities and territories than the Alliance, mhrm…Mirrored…

The orcs have proven time and time again to be bloodthirsty savages who are practically addicted to warfare and destruction. WoD proved that no demonic influence was required, and Thrall is a massive outlier and can thus be ignored. You cannot make peace with a people who are defined by their aggression. The only path to peace with them is to wipe them from the face of Azeroth. They have proven a constant threat to the existence of humankind, so we should murder every last one of them before they do the same to us.

The undead are similar. They seem mighty keen on proving themselves to be the evil abominations that they accuse others of seeing them as, and thus should be made re-dead.

In both cases, this includes the children. They might be harmless now, but they will grow up and seek vengeance. For the safety of our people, they should not be given the chance. As for the other races, hopefully they’ll have learned their place once the two biggest Horde races are no more.

Kind of annoyed that there’s no major Alliance character who’s willing to go all out with this. Sylvanas opened the war by completely destroying two cities. She’s not interested in conquest, but with the eradication of lifestyles and people. Wish someone in the Alliance would want to return this notion.

From the Horde’s perspective, it’d justify the claim that they’re a bunch of outcast races banding together to survive.

Well, it seemed to work well enough for one Superpower in our Real world. I mean Nato -won- the Cold War without ever taking up arms against the Warsaw Pact, but by waiting for its internal divisions to destroy it from within. Being that monolithic presence that seems unbreakable, even if -like Nato- vastly outnumbered, only accelerates this process.

I mean there is your direct Parallel. Mr Kruschev said to the West “We will Bury you”. Where is the Warsaw Pact now? Where is the Soviet Union?
What I described has demonstrably worked within our own lifetime (Well assuming people were alive in 1991), so why not in Azeroth.

Its sound, shrewd thinking, and it won a war.

NATO has repeatedly fought against the Warsaw Pact, just not on each other’s turf. In every war of the late 20th century, there were at the very least Soviet and American advisors aiding different sides of the conflict, if not their soldiers fighting directly.

Oh sure, Proxy Wars, but there were never Soviet Tanks rolling across the Fulda Gap.

Come to think of it… why just Horde races?
Azeroth, with mighty Elven empires and little but strong Troll kingdoms is the perfect future!
The Taurens could live, they honorable enough to let everyone alone
But the rest?
Orcs, Gobins, humans, dwarves… Open another huge Portal and kick them to the farthest planet of the Great Dark Beyond - let them kill each other
Then Azeroth could heal and have finally peace

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r u sure about that…

i mean, i still think tehd shoemaker is right in that elves are the root of a lot of azeroth’s problems.

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Didn’t know Shoemaker was related to Garithos.

Soo you want the Lightforged in charge?

It would be preferable to all being undead slave-corpses of the newest Aspect of Death, but the Lightforged have shown zero interest in such things.

Although…… Lights a torch Blizzard, give us the Silvermoon Raid where Sylvanas dies atop a pyre with her most trusted lackeys. It’s the only way to save this story!

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Your avatar is an undead slave-corpse.

Undeath is a miserable existence for the vast majority, forcing it via MC is even worse.

The grip Baine, and people like Lillian, have, is about Sylvanas MC the corpse once it was already out and around, not about resurrecting it.

It’s been amply shown, that so far Sylvanas resurrections have all free will.
The amount of emphasis Blizzard is making on it is so far unprecedent.

@OP you are both delusional and cute for assuming that as long as Anduin leads the Captain America faction, that ANY genocide against whatever Horde race will actually happen. The worst they can pull off are reparations and interment camps. Humans wear the big pants in the Alliance no matter what Void Elfs or Kaldorei might want to happen instead.

The goal of both factions should be conquest, not genocide.


The Forsaken ruler is only returning in kind what her people suffered from for at least 10 years the Threat of Genocide.

Majority of the Alliance races would very much Return Forsaken to their grave with out a second Thought.
In before the Storm you learn that much at least, even the most goodie two shoe leaders view the Forsaken as something to be put to the Grave.

And after Stormheim should we really be suprised that Sylvanas don’t like the Alliance?