Do you support Alliance genocide of Horde races?

Stopping demons are self-cantered reasons now? I see, I see. Clearly we should not have stopped the Legion. I’m glad you agree with me Erevien that the Legion are worth accepting. Strokes invisible Pandaren beard Shall we schedule a session together in the Den of Mortal Delights? I hear there’s a new Shivarra offering ‘services’.

For someone with no feelings towards Suramar, she went to an awful amount of trouble to personally fight her way through. I suppose it is selfish to risk the lives of everyone by showing up personally. Think the friendly fire from Starfall alone! /s

Retconned years and years ago. Also, Jarod says hello.

Oh I think a Tyrande has learned that diplomacy is nothing wiithout a very large stick and the willingness to use it. Pity it took Teldrassil to burn down, but hey the Horde got a second ‘Jaina vengeance’ character after them now. GJ!

10,000 gold says that Jaina’s (other) brother dies this xpac and she goes on a Theramore-sequel rampage.


These forums teached me, that as long as you have a bigger goal in mind you can do no wrong. Meaning, Odyn, Sargeras, Arthas, Illidari and Commander Shepard(who managed to get into this universe via wormhole) did do no wrongs at all.


I’ll be honest here. Tyrande simply did not conduct nor capitalise on an advantage enough to get the Nightborne on side. How did she think she was going to get the Nightborne with her by reprimanding them? With Liadrin - being the alternative in this case - having offered a verbally better alternative?

Unless Elves in general have a strange perception concerning how respect is truly conducted? The more an Elf offends and looks down at another equals more respect given to them?

This is a classic moment where I feel the only key element between their negotiations was to give power to the one who conducts themselves better to the other.

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Doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done. And Thalyssra seems to enjoy her shared time with Lor’themar(Even tho I ship him with Liadrin). Quote:

“The Nightborne are still new to the Horde. Perhaps I should seek Lor’themar’s council. He understands what my people have endured, and I have learned much through our conversations.”

To reinforce: I am not defending Liadrin here. Nor do I like her at all.

But she clearly won out on the deal there.

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She totally did.

She claimed an absolute diplomatic victory by lying.

Which is perfectly fine.


Pfah, Who believes in truthful politics anyway?

Those two terms coming together is already a myth more legendary than Tauren Rogues.

Draenei Warlock.

Tauren Rogue.

Honest Politician.

Flowerpicker Clan.


Hey Thalyrssa, since you seem to be unaware/uncaring that your friends/allies/Banshee just burned Teldrassil down, we have decided to retake Suramar from you…what do you mean no? You didn’t think the betrayal and complicitness in defending the perpetrator…went unnoticed?

Kaldorei Dark Ranger

Anduin ‘Peacemaker’ Wyrnn

Baine Peacehoof

Horde Paladin

Cuddly Winged Eredar

Loyal Goblin



Grommash Hellscream

Vereesa Windrunner


You are trying really hard to trigger me today, don’t you?

TBC engine says hello.

Who?..OH you mean that character that was only created so the self insert of Knaak has a pretty elven wife?

Horde Paladins say hello. Ignores mass rasing of corpses and Blighting of own forces behind them

I assume you get the running theme by now.

I don’t deny you are in the game and meme-worthy.


Horde Paladins xD

What’s next?! Undead Warchief? Another pimparoompoo? Bad storytelling?


snips over a physical copy of Battle for Azeroth and presses start on the logic-screen :smiley:

You know what, I take this one back. It’s still better writing than Vereesa. Or Horde Paladins.

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On one hand people spout Liadrin is an insipid character, on the other she’s supposedly a Machiavellian genius that tilted the Nightborne against the Nelves.

Edit: I went into this meme in another thread, but i’m not going to bother here because I know for a fact it’ll just go nowhere. I honestly believe you put too much stock into Blizzard’s shallow writing for Liadrin to have earned the Nightborne over via underhanded methods (not that Tyrande helped herself really but BLUE MAN GOOD).

ah, but what if she is both?!

I don’t mind her, she’s a little bland but Blood of the Highborne was a nice little story. And honestly, if anyone in Warcraft did something that underhanded then they’re automatically above most other characters by a good few billion braincells.

Let’s consider this as gospel. Maybe Blizz will do so too.

I would play that scenario over and over, being helped by all 3 sides: The night elves, blood elves and the high elves (most of whom are loyal to the Alliance or Dalaran) to only go, “Yeah Tyrande said she didn’t trust me complety… nah we won’t proof ourselves we won’t become the next Ellisande or Azshara, let’s just join the Horde known for warcrimes. Hell yeah! Afterall she said a few bad words. Going neutral for time being instead of outright joining the Horde so we wouldn’t need to murder our own sisters, brothers, parents, kids, <insert other family or friendship 10k+ years old relations>? Pfff dead to the Alliance!”

I lost all respect for the Highborne, their questlines in Legion gave me so much hope that they would have been the perfect neutral race, half supporting reuniting with their family and half thirsty for magic.

Alliad races should have been the following:

-Neutral: Highborne
-Alliance: Krokuul And Vrykull (since the Forsaken under Sylvanas attacked them and Odyn)
-Cosmetic options (races with minimal difference): Lightforged and Highmountain.

Think here is why they went Horde, they didn’t prepare a new race (lore wise) that could have been Horde or made sure the Broken and/or Krokuul got a female model for Legion. So they replaced Krokuul with void elves because mostly a copy paste and just took Highborne for the Horde.

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Blizzard doesn’t do neutral races anymore because their existence is nonsensical for a faction war themed expansion. So they flipped a coin and forced the nightborne to take a side.