Do you think looting in flight form is a good idea?

In wotlk druids will be able to loot in flight form while flying. Overall this is a really nice QoL change for druids and makes them by far the best alts for herbing/mining.

My worry though is it makes bots both way more simple and way harder to shut down for players. No more killing mobs, or players ganking you or anything like that.

Ideally blizzard would just shut down the bots, but i think we all know that’s not happening, so assuming it’s like the past 2 expansions do you think it’s a bad change?

So how is it different from now?

If you think you’re dealing with a bot, just right click and report, the bot doesn’t care about getting killed either way.

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Bots will likely still farm in instances. There is stealth herb/mining option and combat skinning one. Plus likely pick pocket and alike.

It is harder. It’s easier to workout if someone is a bot the longer you see them for. If a bot has to land dismount and kill a mob, you can tell it’s a bot from how it acts most of the time.

If it just swoops in clicks the herb without leaving flight form then flies off it’s really hard to tell.

You can also kill a bot if you think they’re one on a pvp server, and they’re opposite faction, or even inform the other faction. Plenty of players enjoy ganking bots

This is already in TBC, you don’t leave flight form, you touch the ground slightly and move on. I never fought a single mob for a herb either. You still need to be in range of the herb so any melee will be able to hit as before, if they can kill bots now, they will be able to kill bots in the future.

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