Do Zandalari have just one paladin mount or do they get the charger/warhorses too?

scrolling and scrolling…

When are you guys going to talk about the mounts again?

It’s actually the reason why I went back to belf, I didn’t get option for other horses like Draenei did.

This is already answered… But for u if yoh role zandalari you got the normal dino and the shiny dino so altogether you will have 2 extra mount. Zandalari pala can ise the dino as charger it will feel u are a track.

btw this human paly run a crusade against every other race than human and against avery other holy warrior.
Zanadalari joined horde cause human captured them and killed their crew the queen and zul were put in prison… After zandalari let the horde to make base in zandalar but it is for help them with their political problem but they wont made alliance with horde before alliance killed their king. They were some kind of neutral race before it.


he does not understands, he will type again saying:

PaLaDinS aRe PrOtEcTinG iNnOcEnTs


He does not want to understand.
Zandalari prelates gets there power the exact same way as human and dwarf paladins, if zandalari should not be prelates (paladins) then human and dwarfs should not be paladins.

And on topic pritty sure the answer is no they only get 1 paladin mount.


The naaru?

Humans have their light from THE light.

It is interesting to say the Zandalari are the prelates of Rezan, considering Rezan is a rotting husk right about now.

Prelates of Zuldazar when you click on them

-We are the prelates of Rezan, highest order of holy warriors to serve any loa.

Our path is the elite, taking only those gifted from birth with prowess in battle and gifted by the loa, and crafting champions of light to defend our empire.

And no, we do not have any openings or handouts.

When you do the quest with Prelate Rata she says this.

We are broken.

The light of Rezan has left us. Only a handful of those that followed the great king of the loa will have any sort of power, and even they are suspect.

Our life was devotion itself. Now, who do we become?

Meaning the prelates that exist now is only the leftover prelates.


my friend, trolls were walking this earth and fighting aqir long before titans even set foot here.

They are the original race of the Azeroth … They were already ancient when the other races were young.


Maybe but they’re part of the faction there’s killing Azeroth. And until they’re no longer horde they’ll not be a true Paladin.

excuse me? You want troll join alliance when you spanked our king?

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You started it by invading kul’tiras and started slaughtering the innocents in stormsong vally.

We? We were busy defending our lands from Blood trolls

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Well you’re allied with those who wana kill everyone even those who cannot even defend themselves like children and farmers.

We allied after you killed our King.

And are you talking about killing? Who were killing goblins in Silithus? They were ones who could not defend themselves as well.

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How come Zandalari aren’t paladins when even Nathrezim could become one? I assume you all did class legion questhall.


They were hurting Azeroth and destroying The Alliance’s planet. Azeroth’s always belonged to The Alliance and always will. And because he was in the army of the light. The last time i checked the horde attacks the army of the light.

Azeroth belonged to Trolls

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I think the Zandalari paladin mount is the best looking.
The second coolest, dark iron ram and third the tauren Sunwalker one.
I think it’s a shame tha LF Draenei wont get their own special mount that differs from the regular Draenei mount.

P.s. Don’t try and bother Turiel with lore facts. :laughing:

No she dosen’t she is one with us The Pure and good Alliance. Also after warcraft blizzard’s known to change the lore.

My dear Türiel I believe you are one of the Draenor’s Draeneis who are fanatics of light. Or Turalyon who went crazy and wanted Illidan to be lightforged. Same with you. You have not opened even a single book about the lore and bulls**tting over here, go read/watch some videos about the lore.

Azeroth is with Alliance sure she is, we do not even know how she looks like and you already know she is on your side. WOW.

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I’m pretty sure she’s not on the side with the horde who refuses to stop mining her blood.