Dodging arena games

Hi i’m currently 1500cr and dodging (/afk and next game) every single rogue/mage 2v2 game i encounter, because i have rather low cr then no fun at the game. Is it bannable? I’m mostly playing with a friend so he knows that i’m dodging these games.

Im pretty sure its not bannable. Rogue/mage is super derpy right now but it does have play arounds. What are you playing with if you dont mind be asking ?

I lost to a rogue/mage today after the rogue ran away and restealthed on 9hp. Yeh 9 health points, They then globalled me because i had no trinket or defensives :hugs:
Oh the rogue was a glad too playing at 1750mmr. Your not alone

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I play with a dh

Really ? I would think holy paladin and DH would be a nightmare for rogue/mage because he can demon sight the opener :woman_shrugging:

yes, it’s highly against the rules to lose vs rog/mages. you should always win otherwise you get banned easily


no they just wait if he demon sight if he dont they sap me and go dh he has to pre blur and darkness in order to survive it
dont see much “play arounds” to be honest… we lose easily 90% vs rogue/mage

other comps are pretty ok

i know its not bannable to lose vs rogue/mage but im dodging so im kinda destroying their game because i dont let them play against me

Can understand your frustration. Cant really give advice as iv never really played with a DH but when i play vs that comp with my warrior partner will always focus rogue while i disrupt mage and try to keep rogue in combat with flameshock, earth elemental and totems :thinking:

Today, I died when the sap had 5 seconds left on my healer. But it is balanced for sure.

If you make:

-[Reign of Endless Kings]
-change your Soulbind to: https: //

You should be fine. Just combine these two things and you will never die.

DH has to play [Darkest Hour] and you are both gucci.

Vs other teams play Shock Barrier and other Soulbind depending on what you use Kleia or Pelagos.


If they don’t position terribly, Shadowstep->Sap basically has no counter. Spectral Sight is a meme against rogues since DH has no abilities to actually get them out since Throw Glaive has a hidden .5 second cast time.

we need a comp filter or comp dodge list, smthng like the one in dota when u ban a character during the pick stage

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already played your suggested Soulbind but yeah we could make new legendarys but its still stupid that we have to make two new legendarys otherwise zero chance

That seems like a very bad strategy to improve to simply opt out of a matchup you find difficult. If you’re playing with a friend and you two can communicate how to rotate trinkets and defensives properly i can guarantee you a rogue/mage team at 1500cr is too uncoordinated to bait cooldowns.

So while you can just leave, i suggest you try to find a way that works for you on how to beat Rogue/Mage, unlike something like boomkin convoke or divine toll, there is very little RNG in Rogue/Mage gos so it’s definitely learnable.


as a disc in 2s i feel like leaving when i see hpal/ww.
Watching the ww flail at me while my hp go down in huge chunks and i use my cds one by one and then die, gets old.

Many specs have to do like this. There are 2-4 preferred legendary items for many specs. As Ele I actually have 4 that are very good. 1 is default and 3 other are good situationally. This soulbind won’t work if you don’t have the legendary because H Paladin doesn’t have Guardian of Ancient King’s. You get the benefit of this conduit only if you have the legendary.

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The DH needs Darkest Hour lego or you won’t win against RM they will just cycle your cd’s and keeping the rogue in combat is not easy with mage peeling for them. Winning is a bit luck dependant. You have to survive long enough to try to burst the rogue down.

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What I can add is download addon Diminish to track DRs. If the kill target is on stun DR means you can play offensive and try to pressure them but as soon as DR ends go back to playing defensive.

Getting that Prot Legendary on H Pala and tips from this video should allow you to win more games.

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