Dragonflight PVP (Returning Player's Experience)


I have recently returned to WoW Retail (Last retailed I played seriously was OG WOTLK when that was ‘Retail’) and I am finding returning to be frustrating and pushing me away from the game after maybe only 2-3 weeks playing it. So I thought I’d reach out to the forums to see if anybody could help.

A friend got me back into it but I am only really interested in PVP Endgame but don’t have a whole bunch of friends to play with, so activities like RBG and organised 3v3 is not something I can commonly play.

  • My experience in Solo-Shuffle at around 1600~ rating currently is around 30-50 minute queues and feels unfulfilling when you spend an hour to gain zero rating if you go even on win/lost rounds. I understand this is an issue across the board right now, so hopefully this improves :slight_smile:

  • My experience in RBGs has been as follows: I sign for the lowest possible and preferably zero MMR group, join the RBG group and introduce myself (Usually just “hello”) and within 5-10 minutes I get removed from the group with zero communication about why I was kicked. Most of the time I can’t even /w the organiser to ask why I was kicked because they are a different faction. The one time I did get into one it was disbanded due to some toxicity at 0 MMR after we lost the round.

I didn’t want to make a post just to complain, as I have enjoyed how easily it has been to gear to be competitive in PVP in dragonflight and am (somewhat) enjoying the season thus far.

I am by no means really good at PVP but its the content I enjoy the most when playing. It is just a bit demoralising to struggle to upgrade my vault every week as solo shuffle queues are hard to time alongside work and IRL (Also if you want to add me to play I would be more than happy :smiley:), so honestly just LF some ppl to play and improve with.

My question to you guys is whether there are any communities, guilds or anything else I could join to make grouping up easier for some of this content, as playing an MMO w/o any community aspects is a little bit of a lifeless shell. I am happy to share some VODs of me playing (https://www.twitch.tv/theramro).

Thanks for any help you can give :slight_smile:

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