Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

yeah - just like they learned mechanics in cata ? :slight_smile:

was it ghostcrawler who admited how wrong they were and that people do not rise to the chalenge ? i think it was :slight_smile:

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what is most likely it will be tuned as if both fortified and tyranical was active all the time

You learn the mechanics, you learn what will hurt, you know where to stand, what to interrupt. Stop pretending like you have to relearn basic game mechanics cause it’s a new alt.
In any case, i see you are hellbent on this doomsday scenario of yours, so i just give up on you.

99% chance most people want to jump straight into +5 or at least +2 without ever doing M0.
M0 is loot locked so there is no reaaon to do it.
hence people will still not know mechanics.
it is even now in a 23 that people still dont know about bosses and you think the new systrm will change anything? yeah no

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I’ll be honest the way m+ is now with 20 key levels and multiple key levels having identical end of dungeon reward ilvls I’m not even going to bother, its just objectively bad design and I’m honestly suprised people even accepted the state it was in

With m+ only having 10 key levels, even if m0 is going to be keylevel +10 without affixes I’m atleast going to give it a try again and I’m sure while numerical difficulty will be higher I doubt it’ll be an impossible boundary to cross considering Mario’s Koopa Hammer bro isn’t throwing affixes at you offscreen

Affixes are a cheap way of introducing difficulty anyway

I’m sure there’s many others who just stopped bothering over how bloated it became who will atleast try it again who otherwise would never have stepped foot into a m+ without massive changes (like this one)

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You should have given up ages ago. He spouted the reverse of what he’s currently saying when m+ rewards were stretched out.

No matter what Blizzard do he’ll show up and say it will kill the game for casuals. Blizzard could make each key level a 1% increase and that will somehow kill it for Little Timmy and his army of casual friends because they can only deal with a 0.5% difficulty increase. 1% will be too much for all the casuals.

Ah no i still use upgrade crest and upgrade my gear i simply follow this patter.

I get all explorer gear at 1/8 and I upgrade it all to 8/8 placing on myself some goals/beanchmarks to reach like: Doing 1 campaing chapter= upgrading all gear to 2/8.

then when all the gear is up to 8/8 i start to collect gear of the next tier at 1/8 until I have a full set of it and I upgrade it when I reach another set of goals.

For adventurer gear I have set myself the rule than when I upgrade the gear when I do one dungeon on M0, for expample the first Ruby pools I do for season I will upgrade my gear from 1/8 to 2/8 until I have run al the DF dungeons one to have all the gear at 8/8 and then I start collecting veteran one.

But since my focus is classic at the moment I’m still rocking with 5/8 explorer gear.

From my understanding +10 tuning but without timer or affixes, hence the 8-10 estimation.


What might be your ‘challenge’ is another persons chore.

I was hyped when i was reading “No timer for m+ 0-10 and max lootlvl at 10”
I was really sitting there for a moment thinking “is this a good idea or not?” and damn it IS a good idea… But then someone told me that blizzard just wrote it bad -.-
No timer for M0 but everything else still has timer…

Hey Blizzard, cant you just, lets say, make m0 till m10 with NO TIMER, but still have max ilvl loot from +10.
At +11 you add the Timer
People can relaxed play M0-10 to get the weekly loot and are still able to compete with each other in M+11 till what ever oneshoots you.

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And here you are exaggerating and assuming again. We even had a conversation about the “50%” thing. I know from other threads that you’re usually reasonable but in this case you keep acting emotionally and dishonestly.

So what is the number in your oppinion? I just take the raiderio one. You just assume the number is way lower. But raiderio is providing it :dracthyr_shrug: I think that is quite reasonable. That isn’t “emotionally and dishonestly”.

It is “emotionally and dishonestly” and not reasonable to just ignore the fact there are tons and tons of casual players who do not reach +10’s. Just as the majority of the raiding-playerbase is doing LFR and never get higher. That is just what it is.

How do you skip those keys if you have one of those keys?

You join keys of friends or in a community and next week you have a higher key yourself too.

I already told you why the number can’t be used as a reliable indicator. It’s massively skewed. Hell I myself have a few characters that I just tried and abandoned at < 1k score. These characters are included in that bottom 50%.

You’re asking for my opinion but I won’t give you that, because it has nothing to do with anyone’s opinion. All you have is a number, not the reasons why it is that number.

Once again you’re assuming that 50% of the playerbase have tried and failed to get to +10 for an entire season and failed, when a) the numbers don’t and can’t take the entire playerbase into account and b) you have absolutely nothing to base your “tried and failed” assertion on.

Correct, that’s just what is its. And you’re once again using the wrong language. You’re using “never get higher” when you should use “never go higher”. Using “get” implies they failed to go higher, and that would required them to try. And you’re completely dismissing the distinction between the accessibility of LFR vs normal.

Basically you’re just assuming and asserting a whole bunch of things.

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You just dont want to know about the casual playerbase who does outdoor content and steps in some M+ adventures and never reach higher than +6 in a season. Which is totally fine. You are apparently surrounded by high end players. I am not.

And whatever reason you want to tell yourself that the numbers in the statistics are skewed so the must be way lower. I can’t make you assume different.

Indeed. Basically you’re just assuming and asserting a whole bunch of things.

there are tons of ways to skip those keys if you usually play higher.
only in the season beginning those keys are played.
it is very hard to find people and those keys are harder than +20 keys because most people playing there didnt plug in their keyboard

But why do they never reach higher? Can you absolutely tell with 100% certainty that the primary reason was that it’s too hard? Could is possibly be that they don’t enjoy the format of M+? Or quit the game for any number of unrelated reasons before? Or just tried M+ and decided it isn’t for them? Is it possible that you’re using only the one scenario that supports your argument?

It is necessarily lower than 50% because it’s skewed. I don’t know how much lower, so stop putting words in my mouth saying that I’m “assuming it’s way lower” when I never said anything of the sort. I don’t know the actual percentage of players who are genuinely unable to do a +10 key and neither do you, so stop acting like you do.

I don’t think you’re actually arguing in good faith anymore. Either that or you just lack the capacity to interpret these things without putting in your own biased presumptions.


It is fine, man. You just have your ideas about it. I have mine. Agree to disagree. I am just ignoring your personal attacks.

You are overreacting. We had this in BFA and it was fine. More than fine actually, as all those unwanted keylevels didn’t exist.