Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

As a casual I just wanted to say I’m part of team ‘just didn’t bother’
I saw the 20 key levels, I saw the identical end of dungeon ilvl rewards shared between several key levels and I figured
why even try
why even engage with this obviously artificially bloated system
so yeah, I never made 10+ this expac because the state of m+ in this expansion was just not one I wanted to interact with

in the new system atleast I feel like bothering will not be a waste of my time

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We didn’t. The keylevels went up in a different way.

Ah yes, pull the victim card, dig your heels in even deeper, plug your ears and keep singing out your baseless claims even louder. Totally and completely honest approach.

Overall good . It is a compromise , although personally I hate these timers and would love them removed completely , but to each their own i guess .
On the other side we are looking at another 40 item lvl jump this patch .
I really dislike this invalidating of everything you did in the previous patch and this creates a very annoying hamster wheel , and frankly leads to burn out .
It would be much better that Mythic raid should be good enough for people to start running Mythic raid next season .
It is NOT OK that Mythic Gear you have this season , will be item level of Random heroic dungeon next season .

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Agree to disagree. Not pulling a victum card.
I have my experiences you have yours. We have given our oppinions. We disagree. Totally fine. We do not need to try to make the other throw away their own experiences and oppinions. It is fine.

bfa max vault reward was 15, everything else same as now.

we didnt have the upgrade system to by that meaning you had to run i think +11s or something for max dungeon reward

due to this, the overall keys done were lower as the minority play or want to play above reward level

now we have a key squish which is the first time.

most people are unaffected by this.

people who did m0 do now heroic, people who do +20 do m10 but people who did m+4 are now mahbe brickwalled or they need to be able the new m0 which is 6 levels above their old content (be it their skillceiling or not…) we will see how it affect those.

i think many will not see this announcement and next season jump into a +4 and get crushed (or carried)
i suspect the season start to be rocky but it probably wont affect me too much

The only truly endgame dungeon mode (M+) currently revolves around a timer. This means that other than new mega-dungeons, there isn’t really a place for endgame players who enjoy a more methodical dungeon pacing and gameplay.

I can’t see this issue has been addressed, or at least some of the core points have been side-stepped.

There are players (myself included) that simply don’t like timed content, but still want progression at end game.

We remain in a position where spammable end game content with increasing difficulty and corresponding rewards, is limited to the M+ timed format. The only relevant change in this annoucement seems to be that the timer kicks in later in gear progression.

The core problem with M+ for some is not that it is too difficult it is simply the go-go-go of the format.

After the changes we would still have:

  • The only spammable end game PVE progression content being M+ (timed).
  • M+ (timed) feeling obligatory for raiding (not timed).

How about a spammable end game format like M+ with increasing difficulty and rewards, just without the timer!

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“people can put in zero effort and get the same reward as people who are putting in the effort” ?
What’s next, getting offended over not being handed loot?

He is refering to season 1 where also the max M+ key level for loot (dungeon and weekly chest) was on +10. Blizz had a bad K-level in season 1 (and tanks had to kite because of that all the time). And with that the keys were with ever level way harder than now. Season 1 bfa wasn’t fine and that is why they changed the scaling and got it to +15 in the rest of the expansion. Bfa season 1 is considered one of the very worst M+ seasons ever because of this kiting-season, and the seasonal affix for people who did reach +10 and higher.

But that didn’t mean you couldn’t just get into M+2 and have fun instantly.

so don’t do it? again, it’s like someone is forcing you to play wow and nothing else.
not to mention whatever is outside video games.

quite simple - you dont loot GV with new key only join like +18 - loot +17 key at the end of dungeons and start from there

and really good players will still do exactly that .

its the people who progress in "normal way " who wil suffer being unable to do m+ at all.

boosters are happy too - since a lot of people willbe forced to buy boost to obtain key at all and then once they obtain they will list their key and hope to find people who will boost them .

in new system - it will be even worse for you if you are person who never did higher then +10

because you will be first hard gated by m0 - mode in which ton of people leave groups instantly after boss they need is killed.

forcing you to remake group after group just to complete them

if you didnt have skills to do higher then 10 - you not only wont have skilsl to complete new +2 but you will also have nowhere to farm gear to help you with dungeons anymore for months untill you farm up WQ gear .

i guess i didnt even remember s1 of bfa.
cannot remember much of bfa m+ besides bugged dungeons and the corruption fiesta at the end lol

Not pulling the victim card? Where have I attacked your personally?

Calling someone reaction emotionally and dishonest is quite attacking. But i let it be. I have given my oppinion and experiences and argumentations.

great times " i love tanking because i do 5M dps"

I agree. At least give the option of a spammable end-game progression content with no timer.

Even if timers were removed altogether groups still have the option of going as fast as they’d like and pulling as big as they can manage.

Personally my ideal position would be for both timed and non-timed M+ equivalents to be available then we all have the choice.

Not in this expac no, but I remember the biggest pain in the rear end was dealing with the affixes while there was mechanics already going off, the numerical differences of damage and abilities to dodge that actually come from mobs and bosses is whatever, you can more easily plan and mitigate or overcome that, numerically I just cannot agree with this statement.
The leap will be big, but it will not be as hard of a filter as you’re trying to make it out to be, or atleast how I’m interpreting the picture you’re trying to paint (which really does sound kind of doomspeakery)

As for leavers, I havn’t pugged since Legion so I don’t see this as an issue.
even if it was 4 familiars and 1 johnny rando, I would not start the dungeon then, its either a group of 5 and I know all of them or I’m not even entering the dungeon, so again, leavers? unlikely, they’re all friends and when we quit a dungeon we do so when we unanimously decide to, this is how we’ve always ran dungeons

I’ll be honest I still despise affixes and timers so I might still not give a damn about +2, but I will likely give it a try with an open enough mind that if I have a fun time I might change my mind on that.

I’ve just given it my thought how to do it and make it fair and while I know people don’t like the weekly lockouts for m0 I do think the fact that m0 isn’t timed or affixed is the reason it has weekly lockouts

I would be open to a m+ light without affixes and/or timers but with weekly lockouts so people can’t just farm them endlessly which would make m+ itself pointless, which is not what this should be imo

The more suggestions people would make to a system that would work and still be fair for m+ with timers and affixes the more likely blizzard will consider it for the future.

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Yes, you ignored the objective things and instead projected your own subjective feelings and opinions on 50% of the playerbase, and then cried about being called dishonest for it. God tier argumentation skills.

Also go to the first reply you posted in this thread and try to tell me with a straight face that you’re not reacting emotionally.

5 tanks were viable kek