Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

Seasonal affix was fiddly and lead to fails, but scaling felt very nice. We were progressing from +2 onward. As it should be.

the affixes are still there in new m+ . starting with +2

they are not gone :slight_smile:

I never said they were gone

well its kinda objective fact if he checked the statisticks on raider io.

50 % of people were not able to progress past 10 - they now wont be able to complete m0 if they dont have gear / crests from 2-9

those people are now effectiely gated compeltly from doing m+

now add to this crowd the crowd who were doing 11-15 over whole season only after they got upgrades from 2-10 .

those peopel wont be able to progress either in new system .

and yes - people who did +20 and higher will do just fine.

untill they decide to level up new alt - unless they have friends who are willing to carry them and boost them while they underperform .


That’s what people are doing and hence why this game has lost so many players.

Then this new System will actually be good for you. Where before you got with M7 your first Affix beside the Timer and skaleable enemies now M15 adds the first Affix.
Meanwhile the second harder Affix that came already with M14 will with the new System only annoy people that play M20 or beyond.

that’s your observation not a data . people will have the gear over time and people who only do low keys dont rush them anyway.

no they are not. if anything they’ll have a better place to practice to do higher levels so they can get KSM by themselves but ofc. boosters may not be happy about this.

right now it’s not possible to carry people either, group are empty no one’s doing below +10 keys.

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Yes, but M+2 was very easy. It was just that keys got harder per keylevel than now. Blizz isn’t making the new M+2 very easy. They just scale it to M+11-12. It is just a minus -10 keylevels.

affix changes affect difficulty so i dont think it’s directly a 10 level cut

The easiest way to understand the changes IMO is to look at the reward chart at towards the end of the article. It shows both what the dungeon level and rewards are in S3 and shows what they will be in S4.


I literally did (started) 3 below +10s last week (finished 1).

I don’t have an issue with looking at the number. I have an issue with looking at that number and assuming it means it was too difficult for half of the playerbase. And you’re now doing the exact same thing. Having that number is one thing, knowing why it is that number specifically is a completely different thing. It’s jumping to conclusions based on assumptions.

Let’s use an analogy. I’ll give you a made up statistic and you tell me if you see the flaw in it:

  • statistic: 80% of car owners never went and finished a lap on a race track
  • conclusion: 80% of the human population have repeatedly tried and failed to drive a car to the finish line during a race

Do you think the conclusion is reasonable?


i mean there arent enough players. as i stated above i tried to help out a friend and we couldn’t even form +6s a month ago and that was in prime time & earlier in the season. it takes too long to form groups at those levels which makes their journey even more tedious

I had no problem last weekend. But it is your experience so i am not going to doubt it.

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It depends on spec and linked IO. If I dust of my VDH and do keys I won’t even need to link my main to get a +4 going.

If I want to play Havoc I’ll be linking my main and begging people for an invite to their +4.

There is 0 effort includet to get the actually “best gear” anyway.
It was “hard” the first week. Complicated in the second and easy in the third.
If you dont want to put in the efford you buy a WoW token, Convert it into gold and buy a boost from a Community.

0 Efford is not a valid argument. M+ is EASY till 20 and will always be “easy” if this season woudnt have so much “oneshoot” mechanics that will just kill the group you could clear 20 with ilvl 450 since “DPS” is not the issue this season.
You just need enough HP to survive the “near oneshoots” (aka the ilvl for more max hp) and everything is fine.

There is literally no reason to have a timer in the “gear progression” phase of M+. Add a Ladder, Leaderboard, Archivments and maybe a full transmog Set per dungeon (each piece droping at higher m+ lvl) and you still have enough reasons to try to go higher.

I think that’s a bit of a strange attitude. There is every effort to gear up and get bis gear. Ask anyone who has run a particular dungeon or raid umpteen times to get a drop.

They are refusing to acknowledge that significant percentage of the playerbase is simply not interested in m+.


good changes, too bad it still means we have to play awful awful dungeons like rise, nokhud, halls of infusion for a full season. no thanks.

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Whatever the reason is they arent getting to high keylevels; there are quite some casual friends and family players around who just dip in the low levels of M+ . I am not going to talk bad about that.