Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

And they will dip in heroics which will yield much better rewards in s4. 489 from heroic vault. We don’t even have full 489 on these toons were are posting with, for crying out loud.
Nothing will change accessibility wise.

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I wonder if the number would go up if there weren’t seasons that just basically deletes all your progress from past season
This was for me personally also a reason not to care
and now that I’ve reminded myself of it I’m also feeling enthousiasm slip again
atleast it’s the last patch of the expac so its more palletable to know things are going away soon

it is however absolutely killing for motivation for me between major patches


So they are allowed to run heroic dungeons without mythic mechanics with a scaling of M0, instead of mythic M+6 dungeons (or whatever the keynumber is) with mythic mechanics with a full M+ experience. It is just taking away content.

And i have absolutely no idea why you bring ilvl into this. It is about content. Not about the rewards. But yes, we get 39 new ilvl’s next season. the content will also get scaled with that ilvl in mind.

That is different topic, but i get your point. Look, maybe it would be good for m+ to no not have seasonal re-tuning, but reward points to simply be pushed up in each season.
Something like : s1 = m10, s2 = m15, s3 = m20, s4 = m25.
That would indeed lead to four seasons feel like one big season with continuum of progression.

However, that model would keep heroic in the depths of irrelevancy.

Because those casual players you keep mentioning will be able to get good gear in HC which will enable smooth game-play in low keys.

Those adjustments are a BIG W imo to a better progression/investment curve. It might also fix the issue with people ignoring mechanics too often in lower difficulties.

Edit: Just a small suggestion for the dungeons.

  • Add a “continue as group” Flightstone bonus which increases Flightstone drop amounts when continuing with a group into another dungeon/key within a timeframe (like 20 minutes). Each completion adds 0.2x more amount to it, stacking maximum at 5x (2x flightstone amount).

This would encourage people more to play together and stay together instead of just doing a dungeon → requeue alone → dungeon → requeue alone. WoW is meant to be a social game but there is hardly any benefit/reward from actively socializing in this game. And socializing is one of the major reasons why WoW was such a success back in the 2004-2008 era


Yeah it was just me thinking out loud trying to find other factors as to why people wouldn’t bother, it is a different topic indeed

M+ scaling won’t look nice outside of a seasonal system, if I had to make a choice tho, heroic dungeons being irrelevant would’ve been a small price to play because, well, they already are

I know that’s what we have in classic, but I already played through those eras of the game and am not looking for a nostalgia trip

That said, I am happy with this change and see it as a positive for the future atleast, looking forward to see how it’ll revitalize the dungeon scene

It would be kind of funny though if in S4 to get into a +2 from the start, you have to be a min ilevel of 480+.

Do they expect you to do heroics to get better gear to go into M+ or will you just be able to jump into m+ straight away (assuming you got a fairly decent ilevel this season)?

I imagine they expect you to do what you want, with all the consequences that can bring with it.

For all intents and purposes, heroic dungeons have lately been just leveling dungeons but tuned for max level, I feel like the current goal is to reinstate heroic as an elevated difficulty up from normal, rather then just being the max level version of it

If you wanna jump into a +2 skipping heroic and mythic, if you have the skill you can probably pull it off, but you’d probably have an easier time getting a few bits and bobs from heroic first

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With your main you will be able to jump straight in m+. For alts, well it depends on the current ilvl of those alts.
Most of my alts are in ilvl 400 dreamsurge which i farmed to get S2 lfr tints. Those particular alts are not ready for s4 m+. 460ish should be fine for s4 m2 i would say.

I’m expecting some form of catch up gear, dreamsurge gear should be bumped up.

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well it will all be dependent whtehr you will be able to complete m0 in gear which you have or not.

i dont doubt even for a second that people who are runing like 25 atm will demolish them and push m+

but i do think that people who barelly do 12-15 will have very bad experience and very harsh rude awakeinging on week 1 - especialy if their first key will be like ruby pools +2 :slight_smile:

some of people who got carried to +18 with gear they got - yeah - those will be surpirsed a lot too :slight_smile:

Please update us on Fyr’alath the Dreamrender, is the ilvl going to be patched to be the newest highest teir or will we have to upgrade it. So much time and gold to sink in just for to be obsolete by some green or blue item would be disastrous

and? are you an activision blizzard shareholder?


Yeah, burn it to the ground.

And so the flaming gerbils shall fall upon thee and your nose shall fall off the moment you step into a +2 and people will be COMPLETELY gated from m+ !!
Hearken to my words for it is not even in the game but doom is upon us!

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Flaming gerbils? Animal cruelty.

Imo I think it’s a very good thing.
Lot of people forget that we will have a useful Hero mode, easy to tag, which will give the LFR equivalent. And an M0 which will give the NM raid equivalent without the stress of the timer or the leavers!
And those who want to do golds will be served with calls to arms throughout the expansion!!

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If only this game had content before M0 to get better gear and a bit higher ilvl to be able to do M0 or even higher dungeons like M+2 or higher

a shame there is no such system. /sarcasm off

Indeed I expect we’ll see increased ilvl across the board.