Dual Speccing

Apart from hurting the feelings of a few of the no-changes crowd, I don’t think it would hurt the game at all.

Quite the opposite. It would potentially make the lives of tanks and healers less miserable if they wanted to farm stuff or do some quests/dailies. It could potentially give at least some players the incentive to try both PvE and PvP. I really can’t see any downside to it.

And I’m saying this as someone who never played anything other than TBC in the past + Classic now. I’ve never even experienced dual spec, but I already know I’d welcome it with open arms.


It clearly it is a gold sink.

What really matters is what benefit you get from respeccing. For me, respeccing to play the specs I enjoyed the most in raids and outside of raids on my two raiding characters was well worth the cost of four weekly respecs in phase 3-5. The cost was nothing compared to the fun I got out of it.

It would also mean pretty much every player of most classes out there is travelling the world in the same spec. That is less fun than a world where you never know what to expect the instant you spot an enemy player.


I thought I already explained myself about DS. Also you quoted me out of context. I said about the game that is not about quality of life hence the implementation of DS wouldn’t been fit.
It was more like an observation than anything.

Gold sink and not being expensive are two different things. Taking a ride from the FM is a gold sink too, reparing also, but we don’t talk about it because it’s insignificant.
The same applies now with respeccing. It was a burden some time ago but now it’s very different. Everyone now can come up with 50g way easier than before, that if they don’t already have a stash.

And yeah about the implementation, definitely it’s not a question for me as I said I’m fine either way.

That’s not a downside of dual spec at all. That’s one of the consequences of online guides giving you cookie cutter builds, optimised for a certain purpose (AoE farming, etc.)

Dual spec or not, you’re gonna have people with cookie cutter builds anyway. This has been the case for years now.

I’ll say it again. I don’t see any downside to dual spec whatsoever, apart from the no-changes crowd frowning upon it. I see huge benefits, though.

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Ye, but way less. I’m playing classic right now and the 50 gold charge is effectively stopping me from changing my spec willy nilly, especially on alts. Making dual spec a thing guarantees everyone will always be in an ideal spec everywhere for every occasion.

Battleground, Arena, that one heroic dungeon, raids, open world pvp, open world pve (lets switch to frost because i want to farm some fire motes or sub because i want to picpocket, etc)

I’m not saying you can’t implement it, but pretending there is no downside depends on viewpoint. It will change the dynamics further to always be 100% optimal in every aspect of the game.

I can live with that, but it will be a huge game changer.

  • Plus, I think some of the hybrids will complain about getting left behind, since everyone will be one and abilities weren’t attuned for that yet. Aka no rezz spell for druids till wotlk where dual spec was actually implemented.

I would love Dual Spec. I want to raid with my guild and to do a healthy ammount of pvp when I’m not raiding. But if I have to spend 200g on respecs each week I would have to PVP in my PVE spec.
I suffered through the classic and got myself r13, so I am somewhat curtain I want to pvp a lot and to actually have fun in BGs and Arenas when TBC happens.

Alternate option would be an abbility to respec when you enter BG/Arena. Or something like that. I know it might be exploited on a PVE scene somehow, but dual spec is actual quality of life improvement. I love classic, but some aspects of it suck, it’s an actual fact.

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Hmm, no, according to my notes this is not a TBC feature. Sorry.

You’ll get it in WotLK though. So that’s something you can look forward to.


100 gold will be 10-15 minutes farm in tbc. Not a big deal really, we will have greater problems in tbc imo.

Not as much as now but absence of dual-spec will still be a barrier.

And the main issue is that not all classes get same benefit of it. I really dont want to meet restobooms, sl locks and sub rogues all the time in wpvp :slight_smile:

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They should make it only usable in major cities + Make it cost a big upfront cost with a Cooldown?

Yeah but if 2 why not 3? If 3 why not 4?

This is too big of a change, no, nope and nada


Normally I would agree with you, but considering how dungeons are treated in Classic and the awful M+esque community that’s grown around them I wouldn’t say no to LFD in WotLK Classic.
Sometimes you just want to do dungeons, not faff around with meta slaves who refuse to do anything unless they’re paid 10g per boss, have 3 BiS pieces reserved and have only the best classes with the best specs in their party.

Not at all. People look up cookie cutter builds and apply them even now in Classic, where there is no dual spec. This is a consequence of the cookie cutter builds being well-documented and available all over the web, rather than DS.

Don’t you remember how everyone and their mothers had frost mages with improved Blizzard in Classic, because that was the most efficient farming spec?

DS or not, people will find a way to be in the most optimal spec all the time, because gaming has changed in the last 15 years. If there’s no DS, they’ll just use alts, like now in Classic.

If that is true, then why do you need dual spec? Just pay the 50 gold right? You’re undermining your own argument, if gold wasn’t a barrier to keep switching there was no reason to have dual spec in the first place.

Now only the die hards who keep farming gold every week for several switches are optimal, but the majority of the players are not.

No, I’m not.

I’m saying it would be a useful feature, and that there there’s no downside to it whatsoever. The no-changes crowd would turn their noses up (as always), while virtually everyone else would love this.

Meanwhile, you’re doing some weird “Half-Life 3 confirmed” black magic here. You can’t seem to understand that spec efficiency exists because there are guides and resources online.

In what alternate universe?

People use alts to farm stuff. Same outcome (optimal spec for farming), but more money given to the alt boosting market in the process.

The majority of people isn’t asking for it, but at the same time I don’t think the majority of people would mind if dual spec was implemented. I don’t realy care tbh, would be handy for my tank and healer toon but not gamebreakingly

I don’t need dual specc in tbc, but I would not hate to get it.

Yes it there is, if dual spec becomes a thing and Priests can switch between Holy and Shadow whenever they want for optimal healing or dps, druids will want to have a resurrection spell since there is no reason their role as a healer should be gimped seeing as others are able to switch role for every fight as well.

There was a reason dual spec was introduced in wotlk when the design philosophy for the game became “bring the player not the class” where classes were redesigned to have the same baseline abilities. If you’re only going to pull dual spec forward to TBC, not all classes benefit equally from that change, people will also want the corresponding class changes to keep it ‘fair’…

I guarantee it, and that’s just the start…

Nope, I see plenty of people around who are not optimal specced and still can’t even afford an epic mount. Brining in Dual spec means everyone will always be optimal and it will change dynamics in pve and pvp tremendously, espcially in randoms. Can confirm that when I get dual spec I will constantly switching where I can’t afford it now.

2h CD and you can only switch in a city :slight_smile:

I am not a fighter for dual specc in tbc, but it could be done imo.

Ye that’s what I said in a post earlier, but with just a 2 hour cooldown it’s basically whenever you want for what activity you want to do atm. It will work for the raid boss spread though, but still not all classes benefit equally. That’s a major hurdle that will turn to envy, if you’re gonna pull wotlk (bring the player not the class) dual spec ability forward, but not the class changes the hybrids got to compensate, in relative sense they are disadvantaged.

And also cost 50 gold. Sorry cost for respecing in the game is for reason. It would remove lot of gold sink which would cause giant gold inflation.

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