Dual wield arms warrior TBC?

Hi there folks ,

As the title suggests , has anyone played / heard of dual wield arms war in TBC?

Someone suggested this in a forum actually , going 33 arms (for 4% buff and mortal) and 28 fury for some points in flurry

It sounds awkward though as MS scales with weapon dmg … Anyone tried it or is just another meme spec?

It is no point of Dual Wield Warrior in TBC. Everyone will be Arms and only one-two Warrior with such per raid. Sad, but it is how it is…

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@ OP - You can play dual wield Arms, it’s not very good. Mortal Strike doesn’t hit very hard with a 1hander, you can only get 3 points of Flurry, you lack 10% AP + 10% threat reduction, you lack 3% hit, 2% expertise, and you lack the 9s Whirlwind cooldown (which creates the neat rotation Fury has).

It does play a little like Fury and you can get away with it as a utility role, it’s also easier to play than the Arms Hybrid 2h Slam build and especially so on movement fights (like Archimonde)… But it’s just not a strong dps spec, well played 2h Arms does more damage in every scenario and Fury is in a different universe.

This is completely wrong. Arms is not really worth playing in PVE before T6, it’s one of the weaker single target specs and the 4% physical debuff just isn’t worth it at that phase.

People keep spouting these myths about TBC to the point where a new false reality is created by hearsay and vivid imaginations. In TBC Fury Warriors were extremely common in raiding, pretty much every guild had a melee team including an Enhance, 1-2 Rogues, 1-2 Fury Warriors, maybe you saw the occasional Arms Warrior (usually a PVP) dude, but it wasn’t until Sunwell released that it became a big thing.

So no, that is not how it is, or was.


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