Dungeon xp

Need to make it so you have to kill every boss in a dungeon to get the bonus xp, tired of getting kicked as tank because i want to do the whole dungeon, useless idiots think you get more by skipping mobs and bosses


why you want to do the whole dungeon anyways?
Loot is useless
Boss is useless
Boss dies in 1 min anyways

So they maybe should separate dungeon goes from story mode and threads of fate because those leveling in fates only want to spam dungeons for exp, while those who play story mode, well guess what are MAYBE there for the story or dungeon itself.

for most people leveling is just an unnecessary slog that should be over as quickly as possible

Higher ilvl by loot.
Bosses drop loot.
1 minute bosses is XP and cost no time to kill.

In Threads of fate you get more XP on the bar to fill for 1 renown. People in storymode don’t have this quest.

For most people leveling doing all bosses is more efficient.


Because maybe not everyone is about rushing through dungeons? And i dont mind not killing every mob its more about every boss, loot helps and as the other person said it helps fill bars when needed


Although to be fair dungeon xp is so poop i never do it to level

I honestly don’t get why this isn’t the default for new dungeons. It’s a “problem” every time, they may change it at some point like they did with Freehold and then they make the same mistake again in the next expansion…it makes so little sense.


as I said, ilvl is so useless as the ilvl you reach at 60 is garbage anyways. If you are ilvl 120 or ilvl 140 makes like 0 difference.

it does cost a lot of time because you need to kill mostly a lot more trash as well.

I leveled about 9 chars in threads of fate, mostly with dungeon spaming and in between questing.
No matter if we skip plaguefall or not, I manage to get only 2 bars to 100% and the rest is basically in the low %. this wouldn’t matter if I don’t skip 1 boss in plaguefall.

ah comon, loot does nothing.
I leveling with ilvl 90 to lvl 60, it doesn’t matter at all if you get a higher ilvl piece, you won’t even notice anything changed.

yes, story mode is still there.
threads of fate is clearly for those who want to level more quickly and don’t want to go through all the story gibberish that cannot be skipped.

If you’re leveling you need loot, especially if you’re spamming dungeons, how else are you gonna get gear without killing bosses? Its not like you hit 60 and tada instant 200ilvl, if you want to rush through make a tank and do it then, otherwise stop booting people who actually want to play the game

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They are right. You DO get more by skipping mobs and bosses. You are calling them idiots, and you are insisting on forcing your way on others. It is this attitude that is getting you kicked.

Clearly dont get more by missing, unless you think that 0 means you get xp, but its not my way, the the way the dungeons are designed, and as i said if you wanna skip then make a tank and run how you wanna run,otherwise again leave people who actually want to play the game

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You get more XP/hour by skipping. bosses give very low XP. The biggest xp gain comes from dungeon completion.
The group has 4 players. Your way is not the only way. The majority of the group decide. This is why you got kicked.
The dungeon are clearly designed to allow skipping.

There have been many threads about this topic. This is the most stupid argument I read. Why the hell do the tank get to decide what the other players do? The tank is just a player like any other. You opinion is not more important than other players.

I am really happy they kicked you. And I am happy that you got deserter buff. But clearly you didn’t learn your lesson. May be few more kicks would teach you.

“Not my way” and “I am the tank, and I decide how others should run” mentality is what is getting you kicked. I hope you learn that.

Heres a tip not everyone goes by xp/hour, and if you’re dps it takes longer to get into a dungeon than doing said dungeon, so yea the xp from bosses count, as for the tank thing, well they kinda do considering the group cant exactly progress without one without dying a whole bunch of times, take it you’re the kind of person to ninja pull or just general bad positioning/gameplay and kicks the person who calls you out for being such a fucwit🤣


I know, this is why I said earlier the majority of the group decide. Not the tank. If 3 players say skip and 2 players say kill, then the group should skip. And vice versa.

This doesn’t give the tank the right to force their wish on 4 other people. And yes, the group progress without a tank if one of the DPS players plays a class that can tank. It takes a couple of minutes for the system to get a replacement tank.
Also considering there are 6 tank classes, it’s very likely than one of the DPSers can switch to tank spec while the group is looking for a tank.

Finally, I would rather wait in queue than have a douchebag tank.

My main spec is tank. But I don’t act as a douchebag and never act as if I am the most important player whose opinion is the only one that matters.

Again, as I said, it’s your loss. Enjoy getting kicked by groups.

The majority rules, 4/5 didn’t want to do the bosses, you decided you wanted to force them, they kicked you … Does that sum up your post ?

Oh yea, forgot, you want blizzard to change the game, so the 4/5 majority can’t do it the way they want, after all, you want to do all bosses, so we should all be forced to follow your lead, who cares what the rest of us want … right ?


and if tank decided to be selfish and votekick for NO real reason
and others press yes as if they are baited
its a normal dungeon ffs i didnt dc,afk,troll or say anything
they allow this to happen because why?
votekick abuse should be a perma ban

What does that have to do with the topic?
How can the system decide if there was a votekick abuse?

How do we know that there was NO real reason for you getting kicked? Few days ago we kicked a tank because he made a racist comment. He whispered everyone of the group to ask why. May be you should review what you said in the group.

Finally there is already a system in place for votekick abuse. When you votekick often (even for a valid reason), the system will put a CD on your votekick. This CD keeps increasing up to several days CD. It decreases overtime when you stop abusing.

seeing as noone said anything in that dungeon
just a selfish tank kicking for the"lols"
and other 4 blindly press yes so ye it was abused

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