Duplicate WoW folder for UI testing

Hi All,

Does anyone knows how i can run two different wow client? I’d like to move to elvui but this requires setup and testing, i’m not used to it and due to my limited playtime a proper setup will take weeks so i’d like to keep my actual interface to be able to raid.

I know the launcher can support multiple wow instances but they are from the same folder, how can i make it run from 2 different folders with different setups in it?


Create a complete copy of the whole folder,
you can locate your “installation” from within the blizzard launcher in settings -> installation & updates.

or just copy full wow folder and launch it from wow.exe, no need to use bnet app

You don’t need full copy of wow folder. You can just copy retail folder inside your WoW folder. Name it whatever you want and you can just start it from WoW.exe inside this folder. That way you don’t need full copy of the data folder and still can have seperate addons folder.

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