End layers NOW please

Layers are ruining a lot of game play. Namely pvp.
No raid buffs across whole continent because not enuf ppl on one layer for it to jump
-Bad gurubashi fights because not everyone on same layer
-Rare wpvp because not everyone on same layer
-Over abundant economy because 5 fishing nodes in same spot
-The world feels empty, like Guild Wars with multi player town hubs and singleplayer open world far to often.
-Raid battles wont work well because of layers
-Attacking towns sucks cuz layers.
-Vanilla had huge pvp battles before honor was a thing… in classic they are rare
Its really boring running around STV and there being like 10 ppl on your layer when there are hundreds of ppl in STV

Gurubashi arena would be a beautiful sight to behold RIGHT NOW not in a few months when there are less players

dont you get that the memories are not being made… and the longer you wait the more people will be “done” the less cool stuff we get to experience on our mains as they level.

Stop holding ppls hands and just let the bloodshed flow

Yes too many ppl on PvP servers who dont even want to PvP. Its best if you guys just go to a PvE server rather than queuing into a place you dont even want to be in.

Which server are you on?

Servers are overpopulated. Layering is still needed imo.

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s u want 4 hours queues back ?? good for you…

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4 hour queues back in return for instantly destroying layering permanently sounds like an excellent trade to me


On Firemaw - mouseover makes Realm show in lower lefthand corner of your monitor :wink:


And yes. please remove all layers … but then Pretty please wiht sugar on top, give us 2 or 3 extra PvE servers and a RP server. We’ll have nowhere to go, and there’ll be standing room only.


Id rather have 4 hour queues and raid buffs that spread out across a whole continent because there are so many ppl for it to jump across than no queue and never finding much pvp.

you guys honestly dont know what you are missing, and the longer we wait the less likely you will ever get to experience getting rallying cry of the dragon slayer in STV on an ally or in Tanaris on a horde, and many many many other cool things like full on Gurubashi raid fights.

Im on firemaw

Classic pvp is mainly about one faction dominate others. Its really funny until either side give up and leave the server.

Rather layers than ridiculous queues

Play on a low pop server
You are allowed to move
You have a choice
Layers is just preventing us who actually want to play on a real high population server. Not this fake halfway nonsense

I find it frustrating, how you refuse to even understand that WE will never see things that were supposed to happen simply because the player wave wont be out in barrens anymore and stuff when layers are gone? And because the hardcore players will already have their arena trinket… and most of you will be done with pre raid content so we wont get mad encounters there either. these things were what made the game really shine… its like the last drop of Hercules that is making classic have that slightly dullaspect that no one can quite push their finger on. The competition for materials, and resources. Getting ur face kicked in the mud cuz ppl want ur fishing node… killing ppl who think u are easy gank target cuz you were fishing. Meeting lots of ppl on ur way questing… grouping with them simply because its more viable to tag mobs as a group… The list of stuff layers is inhibiting is huge

Yes remove layering and see what happens lol.

Anyways there is plenty of realms without layering, how about you reroll on those?

Because none of them are high population

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