Exalted rep rewards - a spit in the face

164 gold from box with exalted reputation in tww,
its just not even worth to turn in the quest
these should give at least couple k gold or some mats i dunno but its pretty pathetic

i understand, we no need rng mounts behind these boxes, i still miss alot from legion
but this is a total joke.
its not like we can abuse this system. cause farming reputation takes time

well anyways, rant off
buff the rewards pls

Hm, was it a full reputation? I mean Arathi, Dornogal, Ringing Deeps or Spiders? Because I usally get more from those boxes. Only the “sub reputations” (General, Weaver, Vezier) give only around 160 gold, but also an additional 2500 rep for the full spider rep that also counts toward the full paragon rep box there.

it is weaver.
i always take weaver cause you got global 30% crafting and gathering speed