Exploiting/abusing party sync!

We need a fix with for this. Fully geared lvl 120 players ruining the pvp aspect of the game. Even though they are so called scaled down. They have almost twice the health and can one shot you.

Not only can they one shot you but they are hard as hell to kill due to their health and better gear!
This takes away a balanced and fun pvp.

Edit 2:
To make it more interesting for Blizzard to consider this: This means free honor points and marks of honor.

Edit 3:
This is more clear at level 110-119.
People who are also experiencing this, pls come and post here!

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Another example of Blizzards apparent disdain for the PvP community.

I think it says a lot that a non PvPer like myself can see the awful state of PvP in the game.


i was kinda surprised when i saw a fully geared 120er queuing into my level 35 BG. He had all 475 items, r3 essences, enchants, gems etc.

Well they were on my team so i didn’t mind xD

The funny thing - or fact - is… they are not
In WoW the PvP aspect of the game is exactly this!
The better geared people annihilate the others
PvP in WoW is not the matter of skill or anything like that, its a gear check…
…so technikally they are not ruining anything PvP related, on 120, you will face the similar thing

So none of that would be useful at all sorry to say going by the page i link.
Can we at least post truths about things when talking about party sync.
All the info is here


It’s amazing how few people understand that just because you’re the same level doesn’t mean you’re the same strength.

I see it in TW all the time too. 120 characters scaled down to level 90 berating actually low level players because they’re not going super fast.
People love to forget about corruption, trinkets, stat optimization, azeirte traits, etc etc.


No, they don’t. I remember one annoying DH which could not be brought down by six (!) people.

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all essences, enchants, gems etc are disabled. Most of the times people who are synced down are actually alot weaker.


If you’re level 71 doing TW with the rest of the group at 120 you’ll be doing approx one third of the damage of the other DPS in the group.

Scaling doesn’t take away abilities, corruption or Azurite traits so a 120 will pretty much always be more powerful that a lower level even when scaled down.

No, that is false. While they usually do have more abilties, essences, gems, corruption, azerite is all disabled. Don’t make stuff up.

edit: i can’t read, TW =/= party sync


TW and Party Sync are 2 totally different things hence me linking what actually happens with Sync when you scale down you can not compare the two at all .


Months ago i did some lowbie bgs with a 120 pala friend, she had less hp than most, everything is disabled, the same goes for spells. I do lowbie bgs alot, because i like to level, and it seems I never come across these so called “unkillable/op” synced people.

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I didn’t even know this works in PvP aswell. I used it for the dungeon browser a few times.

I don’t think the gear is that much of a problem, since it’s scaled down pretty much (no essences, no corruptions, no trinket effects).

One thing I could totally see being OP are demon hunters though. Currently the scaling isn’t really working for them, since they start at lvl 98 they can’t be properly scaled to, let’s say, lvl 40. So demon hunters keep most of their skills when scaled down (they basically just lose the skills they get through leveling, which aren’t that many and their later talents).

While I can’t comment on PvP, this is actually pretty strong when doing the dungeon finder with party sync on a demon hunter.


Some very spicy pulls :wink:

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Ah OK.

The doing the one third of damage isn’t false though, so if it’s not the stuff you mention then it must just be the abilities and gear, which in a way means the scaling is even more out of wack than I thought.

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The best things about party sync are pots. They are reduced, but since u are 120, technicly, u can use them and they are waaaaaay stronger than what your synced level pots are. U can use health pots as LoH healing for full or at least 3/4 of HP, same with agi pots, giving like 1/3 / 1/2 of base stat. Busted af, gotta try flasks too.

Idk how that works in pvp, but in low lvl dungeons its so much fun when u pull half dungeon and just pop one potion to fullheal.


^this, I tried - especially since your trinkets are completely disabled. I thought I could easily farm some PVP achievements by scaling down but in reality it’s much easier on 120


The difference between a heirloomed player in quest gear and a partysynced 120 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than the difference between your average 430-440 guy and a 475 decked out in all the best in slot corruptions. This is the case in the 110-119 and 10-19 brackets, at least. I was a little bit stronger than the levelers (probably because 120s wear a full set of epics and that scales better than the combination of greens, blues and looms) but the difference was maybe something like 10-20%. Nowhere near doubled HP. I am more OP in 120 random bgs against undergeared people than I am in those levelsynced ones.

The reason some people might be stronger in TW is due to them being able to farm legacy raids and dungeons for items that do work with fairly strong procs etc. If your a lower lvl you won’t be able to do this.
For example I have the ICC bow on my hunter and the 50% damage bonus shot procs actually are working for me in TW.

lol this sounds cool, i think i might try it for farming hn points