Farewell Madseason

Are they? What about the mobs auto attack swing timer being reset with each skill used? That irritating to the bones “mechanic” is a bug existing since WoW classic was released and the devs can’t or don’t care to fix it for over 2 years… Something that private servers never had an issue with. Let me tell you, that bug alone makes half of the dungeons unplayable. I’m never setting foot in BF, SHH and OFH heroic, because mobs occasionally swing the tank for 20k damage in a single global.

I’m very sad to see him go. Madseason is the only Youtuber I really cared about, or paid any attention to, and his videos always brightened up my day when they appeared.

Having said that I fully understand, and support his reasons for quitting WoW.

Like nightbane flying away midfight whenever he pleases.
Like Aran not sheeping, drinking and pyroblasting
Like the melee swing timer resetting, or not, it’s random
Surely I’m missing much much more. Oh like chess not being lootable (which surprisingly HAS been fixed)
Wouldn’t call it properly scripted. Just scripted is fine.

I disagree with your stance but since it’s a matter of opinion as we don’t have any data to make a proper argument, you could be right.
I’ll just remind you that if all those paid features(whether Activision or bots) existed but nobody used them, then none of those would bother implement them. You can keep blaming Activision whatever happens, but to me it’s a very childish PoV to always put yourself out of the equation.
Anyway it’s just a matter of opinion, I understand yours. Have a great day/holidays :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s not. Selling character power is P2W and Blizzard are selling character power, not the players.

Nightbane flying away is something I experienced only once or twice early on, and never again.
Aran not sheeping… can’t rly comment on this, as my guild generally interrupts Fireball/Frostbolt to ensure we never see that happen.
I was specifically referring to the scripting of PvE enemies, not general gameplay mechanics like the melee swing timer.
As for the chess event not being lootable, this has never been happening to me.

Literally, all of these are either things that happened early on and were swiftly fixed, or relatively rare bugs that only happen occasionally (for example I remember Big Bad Wolf resetting after turning the MT into Red Riding Hood on first week, but this has yet to happen again to me or other guildies). Compared to the regular mistakes that characterized most Pservers - such as missing abilities, misplaced adds/NPCs and so on - it’s like night and day.

Just because you’ve only seen it “once or twice” doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.
It happened to people on the PTR, it was reported, it wasn’t fixed.

Well yeah, Maggy used to be able to cast his channeled spell back-to-back if he was low HP, after the “cave-in” effect making him much harder to kill.
That was also happening AND reported on the PTR.
It just wasn’t fixed in time for it to be ready on Week 1 on the Live servers.

I agree compared to private servers it’s night and day difference, but for Blizzard and their game I think they can should do a much much better job.

I’m not saying it’s “acceptable”, I’m saying it’s still better than the regular disfunctional nonsense we routinely saw on pservers that went on being unfixed for months since it was just one guy tackling a miles-long bug tracker.

That’s another matter, and I can agree with that. But it takes some seriously thick rose-tinted glasses to believe the PvE experience was somehow better on pservers.

Some of them had good enough scripting.
But PvE encounters being scripted correctly isn’t the only part of the game that’s important.
The fact that Blizzard lets bot run so rampant is disgraceful when they were dealt with better there.
Of course we all know why that is, a private server saw no income from a bot-user on their server, but Blizzard do for theirs.
So they let the bots run, just long enough for them to be profitable for their bot-operators, say a month or two, then they ban them.
That way they know the botter will simply resume botting shortly after on a new account and both Blizzard and the Botter profit while the game integrity suffers.

Maybe for you. For me it is probably the most important aspect of the game. If I can’t even rely on bosses having their own skills, then I’m not gonna care about how many bots are sitting outside BRD, Maraudon or w/E

As for the botters… I’m not saying they don’t exist, but their impact on my own gameplay is tremendously less felt than PvE scripting. I dunno about other servers, but you play on Mirage Raceway, Horde-side, just like me. Can you seriously tell me that the economy there is somehow broken? To me, the AH looks perfectly fine, there’re different kinds of goods, the prices are both relatively stable and fair for the value of the items themselves. I have yet to feel my game being somehow ruined by bots in the way you’re claiming they do.

You’re a mana-user like me so no doubt you’ve seen the prices of mana pots fluctuate wildly through Classic-60’s lifetime, that was due to hunter bots in DM:N
And if you kept up with the Crusader enchant orbs from Strat you could easily see the impact bots were having there.
Now go to any of the primal farming spots and tell me how many unguilded lvl 70’s in entirely green/blue BoE gear are farming there.
Not to mention the rogue and mage bots in Zangarmarsh dungeons.
And if you don’t think the economy is not impacted by primal-farming 24/7 bots, I don’t know what to tell you…

Just remember, there are no botting fly-hackers in WoW.

I’ll be honest, I never spent a lot on those as I farmed mostly humanoids so I got most of those from looting, but I remember them being generally somewhere between 2 and 4g a piece throughout Classic.

Yes instance-only mats could fluctuate significantly, but that’s frankly less of a problem in TBC. Most of the relevant TBC mats are outdoor stuff.

I don’t farm primals personally but (1) I have guildies who do (mostly through engineering) and do just fine, and (2) the AH prices have been relatively stable so far (this much I can tell as I’m a tailor)

Well, there is some variance in price, but this doesn’t really change my game significantly - besides, there would be variance even if there weren’t any bots, as players would move from one farm to the next and phase needs change. You seriously can’t compare something like this with the sort of nonsense commonly seen in pservers such as not-working or partially-working bosses/NPCs, broken quests, etc.

Okay, you seem intent on missing every point I present, so why bother.

I answered every single thing you mentioned. It is you, if anything, who’s missing my point.

I couldn’t care less about bots, per se. If somebody is out there farming, I dunno, Ghost Mushrooms out of Maraudon, I don’t care about whether they’re a bot or a human. What I do care is whether this activity makes the game worse for me - for example driving prices down so hard that I have to resort to raw gold farming, or so high that I just can’t keep up unless I farm some very specific things.

These things sorta happened at some point in Classic (though they prolly would’ve happened whether bots were involved or not, ex: Black Lotus), but I’ve yet to see any of this in TBC. The economy has never been as healthy as it currently is, you could go out there and farm outdoor humanoids for 2-3 hours and you’d have enough gold to afford a bunch of primals, flasks, or w/e.

On the contrary, the poor scripting of PvE content on pservers was a constant downer of the whole experience for pretty much everyone involved. It was so bad, in fact, that a hoax project like Corecraft could get massive hype solely because it promised a faithful (aka well-scripted) experience. That was how thoroughly broken most servers were. Sure, the most used content, such as BT, was roughly playable, but flaws and bugs where still everywhere, and very few encounters were truly “blizzlike”. Compared to current TBCC, where bugs are mostly restricted to rare occurrences and other hardly-replicable stuff, it’s like night and day.

You can stay here complaining about bots all day long if you want, but there has never been a moment since 2019 when I looked back at my pserver experience and felt like “You know what, the game was more fun when I was playing raids on pservers”.

That’s one content creator I wish we didn’t lose, damn. His videos were so good. I do respect that he’s able to move on. All things must come to an end… except for Vanilla WoW of course. Fresh Classic when, Blizzard?

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he is just 1player out of the Millions who did quit over past few years.
and eventually we all will quit OR turn casuals to play wow as if it’s dress up game.

Yeah man, let get our pink googles on and forget on the random dcs, random bans, the bugged mechanics and quests, bad client or gms selling whatever they wanted,
saying that its worse than privates, sure
Saying that it has no advantage, cmon now why are you lying to yourself

I said no advantage apart from a much larger population. And I had no such experience with the pservers that I played on… sunwell warmane atlantiss omegawow… all were good and stable. and the only one of those that had GMs selling whatever they wanted was warmane

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