Fastest rep farm?

Are there any “hidden tips and tricks” for farming reputation for The Champions of Azeroth, Tortollan Seekers, Waveblade Ankoan And the rusbolt resistance?

Look at and search for each of those factions.

There is a page on each that will tell you everything that can be done.

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Don’t be silly billy, they want you to grind for months and months as they have run out of ideas, that is what pathfinder was brought into the game for, we dont have a clue what to do next so make them grind for everything now, flying, FP’s, races, you name it, we will make you grind for it…

Champions and Tortollan are just a question of completing word quests daily and especially emissary quests.

Rustbolt took me 11 days to Revered - you can use Contract : Rustbolt Resistance and don’t forget the extra rep from fishing

It certainly does not take months - most reps are designed to get you to exalted in 20 days if you do all dailies

Blizzard Logic, they keep adding catch up where its not needed, gear is being thrown at people, but ACTUALLY catching up where it matters ? NAH we are blizzard we dont have the mental capacity to add that ! =)

catchup on the necklace Rep would be MUCH better than ILVL catch up on gear.

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