First post ever, on warrior utility

Ok, let me preface this by saying I have never mained a warrior and I have never even made a post before. When I am making a group I always really struggle to find a reason to invite warriors. Please correct me if I’m wrong and I am sure I don’t know enough about all classes (especially melee) so please fill in the blanks.

Warlocks have Cookies! Fear, hard cc with Banish, a combat res, curse of weakness/ tongues, Demonic Gateway, AoE stun, Demon mind control, Ritual of DOOM! ritual of summoning, AoE fear/infernal stun/, healing reduction/ other pet abilities, and water breathing.

Mages have an AoE root, ring of frost, Blood Lust, Disorientate or constant slow, top-notch food, arcane intellect, hard cc with sheep, invisibility, an immunity with ice block remove curses, portals, spell steal, and slowfall.

Priests have Off healing and can ress, Power Infusion, Mass dispel, purge, mind control, Hard cc with shackle undead, leap of faith, mind soothe, stamina buff, remove diseases fear, a silence, a stun and levitate.

Dk’s have a slow, undead mind control, a stun, a pull, a combat res, anti-magic zone, a magic immunity, great self-healing, and icy feet ice walking.

Rogues have, Shroud, Hard cc with Blind, stuns galore, stealth, hard cc with sap, can remove enrages, vanish, a magic immunity, healing reduction, and each spec has an extra cc.

Monks have Off healing and ress, can remove poisons and diseases, aoe stun, hard cc with paralysis, touch of death, a physical damage debuff, ring of peace, and crazy mobility.

Demon hunters have a Magic damage debuff, purge, amazing hard cc with imprison, Darkness, aoe slow, aoe stun, stun, an immunity, and crazy mobility,

Paladin has crazy off healing and ress, lay on hands, immunity, hand of protection, hand of freedom, hard cc with repentance, can remove poisons and diseases, blessing of sacrifice, a useful aura of choice, a stun and an AoE stun and fear for the undead.

Hunters have Hard cc with ice trap, Purge, can remove enrage affects, AoE slow, Bloodlust, flare, misdirection, beast fear, pseudo immunity with turtle, stealth with camouflage, AoE root knockback, and feign death.

Shamans have Off healing and ress, off tanking with earth elemental, Bloodlust, Hard CC with Hex, Purge, remove curses, AoE stun, Frost shock!, healing totem, AoE slow, knockback/ windfury totem, fear/charm/sleep prevention with tremor totem, self res, And waterwalking

Druids have… I mean i main druid, do I have to go through druid utility?

While warriors have intervene, Rallying cry, a stun, spell reflect, aoe fear/ slow. Arms healing reduction/ die by the sword, and the Attack damage buff.

Am I missing something? This has bugged me for ages there seems to be so little flavour or utility. Bloodlust and Combat ress are what I look for first, that’s 6 classes as a priority (I can even engineer my combat ress), but the bottom of my list for an invite is a warrior, by far. As I said I do not main warrior this may be completely wrong but I had to make this post it’s been driving me crazy!

I think they need a power infusion type ability or they become amazing off tanks, or at the very least make spell reflect AoE.


yeah stormbold should be baseline and so we can skill shockwave as dps. kinds sad no stun baseline as warriors :frowning:


I still think Shockwave should be a class wide baseline spell too. I mean, even if warrior had storm bolt as a baseline spell, the lack of mass stun could be a problem too.

I quite disagree with this section however. I feel like warrior brings less utility than paladin, but those are way better. If you think the spells you mentionned are relevant, then I’m quite sad to tell you that : those are not good enough to get invites in M+ and raids, even in guilds and groups.

I have to agree with you on this. Back in the older days, having at least one warrior was ideal for the buff it brought. However, nowadays those buffs have been reduced to being less useful, which warrior is struck heavily by.

That’s generally why it’s so important for warriors to be powerballs, as we don’t have much else going for us. If we are powerful as hell, we could be a good choice for burst/constant damage, but even here we lack behind.

Unfortunately, even if they gave us certain abilities like shockwave and/or stormbolt as baseline abilities, it wouldn’t be enough, as we’d still be worse picks compared to druid, mage and shaman.

You have intimidating shout, which is practically a stun, though it doesn’t work on all mob types.

Warriors do bring shattering throw, though it’s a bit of a niche. Fury warrior also brings easy AoE slow through whirlwind and hamstring. Spell reflect is not to be underestimated either, you can pull off some incredible tactics with this, either helping your healer a ton, or dealing extra damage. On a ToP key I had 128k dmg with spell reflect on Mordretha alone. Lots of other mechanics that can be negated by the press of a button…

Sure warriors don’t bring direct group buffs or utility, but are not to be underestimated.

and then it doesnt help in pve

Very strong dps? Intervene? Battle shout? Rallying cry? Short interrupt cd,

  • ok ish dps. raid wise medium / m+ a bit stroger esp fury but glass cannon and target capped.
  • intervene on tank = suicide. so its more a pvp thing or if u need more mobility
  • shout is ok, but in caster meta not rlly that great outside 1x in mythic raid // monk is as decent buff - but stronger in m+ as pick.
  • rally cry is good.
  • short interrupt has everyone too. but every other dps has more stuns / CC than a warr on top.

Would like to see throwdown coming back as baseline stun (melee range only like it was and maybe 45 sec cd) and upgrade to stormbold (range).

Also a much shorter cd on aoe fear.

Intervene tank?? Ofc not. Healer Mayer useful. I can only speak for m+ as I only do that. Not everyone has short interrupt cd, hunters 24-25 secs. *good selheals on demand with enraged regen and IP can specc for stormbolt, extra stun/interrupt.

Intervene is nice in niche scenarios:

  • Dealer in DoS to avoid fall damage (or anywhere else to avoid fall damage)
  • … okay just 1 scenario

It’s primarily just a movement ability.

Every melee has 15 seconds I believe, including survival hunter. Shaman even has only 12 seconds on every single spec, including healer. Paladin tanks have even more with their shield.

Self heals on fury can be really good, especially if you spec into the one making Victory Rush 30s CD instead of only on kill. When doing higher keys, having an extra % based self heal can be really helpful to support your healer on prides or tyrannical plaguefall.

The problem here is that stun isn’t baseline, so it really depends on whether you can spec into this or not based on the amount of stuns your group already has.

Bloodthirst healing is only 3%, it’s close to nothing and imo should be buffed back up to 5% like it was before. Enraged regeneration + the conduit to lower its cooldown does help a lot, but it’s not enough in terms of self-healing. In fact, 3% bloodthirst heals about as much as 5~6% leech in M+. I have 5.5% leech and with bloodthirst and ignore pain, I’m still on the bottom of the list of healing/shield damage reduction and despite warpaint still take a whole lot of damage.

It may look on paper, it’s only mediocre in practice.


Yeah, Bloodthirst’s healing is barely noticeable when used without Enraged Regeneration. :frowning:

I think it would be cool if war got something similar to necrolord banner as baseline, it would kinda fit in both class fantasy and in bringing something actually unique.

Maybe another shout which would give MS to allies and can’t be reduced below x%.

Undying berserker fantasy has also somewhat struck with me and would fit warrior theme or at least Furry war, something like cheat death with pretty low overkill threshold perhaps.

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got some mediocre banners in wod… or now we have the pvp banner. not rly my jam.

The issue with Warrior utility is that it works on a reverse efficiency curve. The more people that are affected by it, or can be affected by it, the better it is.

You also forgot Shattering Throw which is nigh useless outside of Torghast and god-like in PvP.

Rallying Cry on just the Warrior themself is relatively useless. Add an environment where people get healed then the additional HP becomes better and better the more people are affected by it as it can postpone their death long enough for them to be healed.

The same with Intervene, it’s utterly useless when you’re on your own, the moment that you get at least one party member who can take loads of damage then it becomes good, and crazy good with the Conduit.

The major issue with the utility is that it has insane potential and things have to be balanced around the potential instead of the average. Spell Reflect in itself is rather flat, then you add the PvP talent where it affects more than just one.

All of the things of the other classes you mention are good on their own. Warrior utility is rather flat, and then you add the potential, and then it becomes god-like. None of the other abilities reach that state. If you add a Conduit or a talent to them they just become a little better.

Everything from Warrior, especially Arms, has this HUGE swing potential that means they have to be bad without additions as they’re god-like with them. If the utility of Arms was to be brought in line it has to follow the same efficiency curve as the abilities of other classes. It has to be good without additions and just a little better with.

this. (and more)

Intervene in PVE situations needing a dmg convert cap. maybe 50% of own current hp or something like that to prevent suicide.

on top as i said … add a dps baseline stun! and for years i praise that blizzards needs to edit dps lvl 25 / 35 talents to seperate each for for one purpose:
mobility / utility (sorry stormbold isnt utility- max shockwave)
and a row for defense / selfheal.

i mean most other speccs have it too … like DH … baseline stun… skillable aoe stun (row45). defensiv talents seperated (row35)

Except that you can use it on the shield mobs at the start of NW to insta break the shield. Not sure if it works in ToP as well though. Imo CD should be lower and dmg higher.

You can also interrupt the cast for them to get that shield. So nigh useless in PvE and go-like in PvP.

You can also just kill it before it does the cast

Depending on Affixes and the level of key this can be literally impossible. If the concept of interrupting is foreign to you I feel sorry for the groups you end up in.