Flame me all you like. 2v2 is just War Healer War Healer War Healer

I’m at 2k rated. yes it’s moderately Low, but virtually every single game you come against at 2k-2.1k-2.2k mmr is Warrior Healer with them just spamming Condemn, Mortal Strike and Overpower on Cool-down. They literally have zero rotational mastery and just press abilities as they come off cool-down. The only thing that makes a Good Warrior and Bad Warrior difference is the ability to Press an intervene Macro when the Healer gets stunned or bursted on.

Warriors are obscene, They are so far beyond every other class in terms of utility, damage and survival that they are the true FOTM. Now i don’t want the nerfed, I want them pruned. Shadow Lands gave Warrior too much of everything. A super simple rotation while having Mist of Pandaria level Utility.

Warriors are hitting above 15k with condemn now if they are with a Shaman and have sky fury Totem

Warriors have 100% uptime especially if they are with a Paladin and Freedom.

Killing a healer with a good warrior is nearly impossible due to Disarm, Intervene, AOE Fear and Slow, a range stun and Rallying cry to restore health.

Killing a Warrior with a good healer is nearly impossible due to Defensive Stance, Disarm, Rallying Cry, Ranged Stun, Fear, Slows, Spell Reflection, Die by the sword and ignore Pain.

As much i hated the “pruning” in previous expansions. i’m going to go as far as 9.1 needs to prune Warriors to bring them down to others classes.

yes i’m a Retribution Paldin.
Yes I know the DIvine Toll 1 shot is a major problem as well and is being fixed in 9.05

but nothing compares to Warriors

2v2 Representation above 2k - 4 x more warriors above 2k
Arms - 12%
Ret - 3.7%

3v3 Representation above 2k - nearly 2x as many Warriors
Arms Warrior - 11.3%
Retribution - 6%

Every Ret above 2.7k rated in 3v3 is also accompanied by a Warrior. So take that as you will.

Warriors need to be nerfed heavily! REALLY HEAVY.


Warrior Arm triggered not admiting they are overpowered in 3…2…1…




Prot Pala from time to time
Ret here and there


Just pillar it !



Haven’t you heard? They deal mediocre damage. Yes. Mediocre.

And… and whatabout mages? Mages been the bane of warriors since vanilla. Or affli warlocks, without warriors there will be affli warlocks all over the place. You should really be grateful about warriors being in every other team.

See, I know how the arguments goes now. :slight_smile:


to hell with netflix, this will be a better show


meanwhile DH and DK representation at all time low :smiley:

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what about we give all the classes the tools to outsmart the opponents instead of dumbing down the game? pretty funny how everybody was asking to unprune the classes yet actually what they want is only their class to have stuff back :joy::ok_hand:

The problem with that is then you end up with trading abilities constantly. He used A so I’ll use B, Who he used B to my A so i’ll use C and so forth. or you end up people just abusing thing and macroing everything into one ability.

Warriors have access too much while also being so simple. The fact they can keep up on the damage meters while sat in defensive stance just shows that they are indeed overturned.

imagine playing a mongo class like warrior season 1 BFA season 1 Shadowlands and not be Gladiator

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and 2s is just infested with the better version of corruption warrior free rating venthyr

No offense, I think warriors are too powerful right now (hardly the only class, though) but you are indeed playing a ret paladin. You complain about 15k Condemns during Avatar (no need for a Skyfury, really) and yet you can Templar’s/Final Verdict for 20k+ with a higher chance of occurance?

Ever considered asking your healer to CC the warrior while you go for your kill-healer-in-Blinding Light move? Or are you not even running it because complaining is easier than improving?

This. Boost the underperforming classes up to the level of the well performing ones, not the other way around (damage nerfs are fine, screw mages). Give everyone good utility tools that they can mess up, so you can actually notice a difference between a good and a bad player.

Imagine being a nonglad after 30 seasons. Yikes.

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This 100% wtb more chess

frost mage with deep freeze used to be rly fun. would love to play it again

As fire, I don’t feel like a danger for a warrior at all honestly. What am I gonna do, fireball them to death?

Netflix is overrated tbh

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People still use that?

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you can press combust and kill them 100 -> 0 through parry/rally.

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So you’re telling me I could 100-0 a warrior through 20% damage reduction from defstance, 30% damage reduction from parry, the extra hp from rally and ignore pain they’ll likely press when I am popping off? Sorry, not buying that :joy:

Maybe when there’s 20 ilvls difference, but not on equal gear.

Yeah, of course u can when your priest can press mindgames at the same time and its high dampening.