I have been forced to migrate away from Firemaw (Horde) as the game is not playable now. The server is basically dead and struggling to fill groups to dungeons and raids, the LFG and Trade chat has died, there is hardly any Horde around in major cities, Firemaw is broken if your Horde! The game is not playable unless your Alliance and then it’s great. I missed out on this free migration period to Gehenas due to holiday and a break. I have now migrated to Golemagg but not through choice, just because I wanted to continue to raid and be able to get people to fill groups. I believe Golemagg is the next best PVP EU English populated server for Horde that was Free to transfer to from Firemaw. I just can’t believe how much a server can change in such a short space of time. I used to love Firemaw purely for its high population and fairly balanced but well done Blizzard, you completely ruined this! Absolutely gutted is an understatement and I do not know how you will fix this if you even plan to. I miss Firemaw and its defiantly not the same on Golemagg. I imagine in some ways all that went to Gehenas, your pretty well off due to the fact that there is so many Horde and at least you can raid and fill groups easily and actually play the game.
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Thanks for doing an awesome job… I actually took time off from work.
Golfclap, well done Blizzard, you managed to f this server up with 2 hour que’s. Maybe was’nt the brightest idea to allow migration to an already well populated server. In fact it was a really shi**y idea. Fix this mess.
Does the realm will be open soon ?
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