Fundamental Flaw- Talent trees (branches)

I really don’t understand why no one is talking about it, I guess people is happy to have talents back…
We all want talent trees to be back, but this new talent trees and their branches have nothing to do with the old talent trees.

Back in the years the talents weren’t connected with branches (with only some exceptions) , the only limitation was a certain number of points spent in the tree, kind of the requirement we have today to cross the red lines of 8 and 20 points.

Why cant the talent trees go back to that?

With the old talent tree were 5 points obligation per every row you wanted to go down.In the modern talents i think it would make more sense to be 3 per row and then 10 different rows.

This would give freedom to customize your build while forcing you to take inferior rows of talents so you don’t take only the end talents, the ones that would be more powerful.

My concern is.

These talent trees with how many abilities etc etc in them that we had at core. .

Are we simply looking at 0 baseline abilities i.e this isnt a unprune. Or a return to old design just a production of what we have right now with a new illusion cast over it.

When you tick the boxes. Outside some passive effect you basically end up witb the exact same as now.

I was hoping this was blizzards opportunity to do a round of reworks to spice the classes up, as it has been such a long time see we have seen any innovation on classes kits.

It seems they havent however. As the classes in most cases the result seems identical to what we have now.

Unless ofcourse im wrong with the inital concern and we will have baseline abilities and maybe those are going to be new.

which doesn’t matter as most you HAVE to put in points anyways.
In the end it will be a net positive in abilities that you get.
You have meaningful choices as well.
E.g. as enhance I can switch between poison cleansing / tremor / different walls / more healing etc. not everywhere or even every match those things are required.
Basically you will have like 10 load outs in the end always swapping.
This looks quite unique to shaman atm thought, most other classes seem to have mostly 1-2 standard builds they can use generally.

I would also assume they did it so people can use to have lots of buttons or not (which is mostly utility).
E.g. I am happy as enhance to not take chain heal 99% of the time =)

kind wish i had like 2-4 points more available but I guess that is they point and they did a good job because I want to spend more and don’t lose out on other stuff

While true.

I still think its very weird we havent see any new abilities or reworks not even to the ones which have struggled for a long time now, shadow priests.

And while sure we do take most of them anyway, i just think it would be very weird if we dont have any base abilities and it all comes from the talent tree.

Every class will have some baseline abilities. Shamans will have Healing Surge, Flame Shock, Lightning bolt and some other stuff.

I believe it will feel similar to the current leveling situation. Every couple of levels you currently get a new ability/passive or a talent point. I firstly thought it weird to get old baseline abilities put into this new talent tree but at the same time we would have gotten them passively while leveling, much like you will get the points for your trees in DF. When we start off with our current lvl 60 charcters, we will be able to get the majoritiy of our abilities. On top of that we can customize a lot. If we don’t need a kick, we may spend the point elswhere. Maybe sometimes we need a Dispel or Tremor Totem, sometimes we don’t.

As for the old talent trees, I only faintly remember those but I like the current idea. If I recall correctly, you could be somewhat trapped into picking a super weird tree where you mix all specs together, right? I don’t want to limit people as to how they should play their character but it will most likely lead to frustration if some more inexperienced person would completely pick w/e and then be excluded from content bc their build makes no sense (think of Elemental picking Maelstrom weapon, which is even a possibility right now that makes little sense to me).

Some trees need some more work with nodes being weirdly positioned or connected to one another, obvious tuning stuff and so forth. However, I don’t see a reason why the DF talent trees should be the same as the old ones. We already need to take a few “inferior” talents to reach the required 8/20 points. What was really frustrating at times with the current system is that you often had to chose. Some points were obvious no-brainers bc of tuning (like Stormkeeper right now with Ascendance being a super niche pick for Elemental). Others like Wind Rush Totem were really painful; if you had to pick it for your raid, you would have to give up your own survivability.

I really don’t see a flaw in the new talent trees. The only thing that needs to be monitored carefully is the balancing in general and that the nodes are not weirdly positioned all around. The shaman tree is a great example of the flexibility in terms of how the different nodes are connected to one another in many ways with little one-way-directions.

As to new abilities/talents I personally don’t know if we absolutely need new stuff every time. I like my shaman the way he is and don’t want my kit to be completely reworked or bloated with every new expansion. DF might just give me the option to play multiple different builds, as opposed to either WLR or Echoes right now. I keep my well known spells and can simply adapt them or combine them into a way that suits my situation which is a good take imo.

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