Fury Sound Effects

Decided to reroll on busier server during the quiet period, levelling a warrior.

Have noticed that the execute sound for Fury is missing with an obvious delay/lag between the animation ending and the damage registering in either the combat log or on screen (health bars, floating text etc) this causes quite annoying feedback problems and makes it difficult in busy scenes to ascertain output. At first I thought this may just be character/race specific (tauren) so checked on another warrior, with and without condemn at max level, two different races human and night elf and the same thing happens, execute plays no sound (swings as though the attack missed) and then a short delay before the damage registers. The Raging Blow sound also appears intermittent.

Execute/Condemn always had a really distinctive and satisfying swing/impact sound which is now missing and the ability itself has a delay in registering damage post animation, in game MS is 23/26 home/world and all other abilities register instantly so it’s not lag.

Switching to Arms execute sound plays as normal although not as loud as before.

Really really annoying, would be grateful if anyone else can confirm the same issue. I have temporarily fixed the sound by actually macroing the script for the execute sound effect to the ability itself but the damage delay is still there.

Slight update on this, after further investigation this bug only occurs with Massacre (35% execute) talented, unpicking that talent and the sound effect and delay return to normal.

Hey there,
I have the exact same issue and its killing me and the joy of playing a Fury warrior. Although I’m only experiencing this on a Tauren, cause the problems do not appear when I’m playing on my Gnome.
As for the soultion shown here it did not reslove my issue neither for the raging blow sounds and floating text nor execute.

Raging blow sound is also basically non-existent. if I eat a savoury deviate delight or change appearance somehow, the sound is there. literally just affecting Tauren model. I’ve submitted an ingame bug report but dont hold much hope of it being resolved any time soon as not many are seemingly reporting/aware of it

This Problem still persists. And its really sad no dev repsonding to this.
First time i run into this weird behaviour was right after Dragonflight Pre-Patch launched.

  1. This Only occurs for the Fury Specc
  2. Me and some of my friends tested this on different Races. It seems like only Tauren are effected! (should be obvious based on the Races that left comments here already :smiley: )

It is really killing the way u experience fights and takes away alot of fun.

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