Fury warrior in Arena

Am i the only one that deals 0 damage as fury warrior in 2s ? I have gear and corruption.

Fury warrior is not good in arenas. Arms is the way to go

I’m pretty sure that 90% of threads I have read online would disagree on that.

Fury = 2s and BGs
Arms = 3s (maybe BGs)

Because Arms need a healer babysitting them because of virtually non existing self heals.

Then i guess 90% of the threads that you chose to read are of idiots . Arms in 2s is also the way to go with a healer. Fury is atrocious in 2s.

Well if you believed what people post on these forums regularly for the last few years then you’d think Arms was a dead useless spec, because most of the people who post are those with issues.

Look at the leaderboards, look at PVP specific guides from PVP players. Arms doesn’t have self heals but it’s much stronger than Fury in PVP, because rated PVP is a group sport, team game.

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