Gelbin is back !

Great news we have one of our leaders back, he will be cured by the new mechagnomes.
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Who’s Gelbin?


It is pretty hilarious that Mekkatorque becomes relevant only thanks to new dumpster gnomes, not the normal Classic gnomes. Ouch.

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Nice to know that it made it into the sound files. The content was already discussed last week (here).

He isn’t even mechagnomed too much.

Eeeeeh, only if you don’t do lore too good. Pretty sure anyone who paid attention during the WC games, Vanilla and its attendant expansions knows exactly who Gelbin Mekkatorque is. Its like when you see those idiots going “Lor’themar, you mean Bob?” You just feel like sitting them down, giving them a cup of shut the F Up, and going, “Here is the history of World of Warcraft. Do not talk, do not make an utterance, just learn the lore of the setting you pretend to like, when you have done so, you may talk, until then, just stay silent when grown ups talk” I actually legitimately do not care how condescending that sounds. If you do not know who Gelbin Mekkatorque and Lor’themar Theron are, then you really have no place trying to talk lore.


Wow what a surprise.

Totally didn’t see that coming, they really got me good this time.


Is he Mechagnomed at all? I thought they brought him back just how he was before

He does have some power core gadget on his chest (think Iron Man) on the PTR. And looking at the dialogue I think it likely an implant of some kind, but might be wrong there.

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Ok that’s completely awesome.

Somewhat symbolic of him taking command of both normal and Mechagnomes too in a way, I like it.

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Mekkatorque and Bob? Never heard of them.

I’ll bob your boat :kissing_smiling_eyes:

If you could see yourself as I see you. A toy soldier in tin plate.


I giggled.

OFC he survives and comes back he is a good alliance leader,that is allinged with anduin and such.
The’ good’’ alliance leaders dont die(except varian)

If he was horde leader he wouldve been out of ice and imeadtly killed by a trash mob.

You’re going to have to explain that one to me. Who calls him Bob?
Why would they have done this?
How come I’m only learning I can call him Bob now?


Its a meme because some interview guy from Blizzard once forgot Lor’themar’s name, and called him Bob for the rest of the interview. The thing resurfaced in force after Nazjatar and Lor’themar going team rebel.


omg! :pensive: that is shameful ! I had no idea.

I will allow that the guy had stage-fright, or something.

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Many thanks for the info!
This thread was the first time I’ve ever heard about it, admittedly I only frequent these forums and reddit so I’m assuming it’s over used elsewhere :grin: