Getting phased to high pop and bot filled realms all the time!

I’m playing in Sunstrider realm! and if you remember we got merged with 7 8 realms when our population got close to dead and it was fine back then and for a long time!

but now every time we log in and want to play we are phased in a dimension which is filled with Outland bots and Stormscale and Kazzak farmers …
you can see that they are not in a group or anything ( in case you think we dont know that some people invite their friends or other toons in other accounts )

please give us an option to be able to choose to stay in our realm (and ofc connected realms) or phase in to realms like the one that I described (high pop and busy bee style)

and btw recently some unwanted phasings are happening and wasting people’s time like in hallowfall , keyflame area , the other day we waited for like 10 minutes on 2 keyflames for rares to spawn and 1 min was remaining then all of the sudden we got phased some where that had 16 and 14 minutes left on those rares!
dont know if these issues need a special work to get fixed or not but they are really annoying!
please do something about it!

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Plenty of other MMOs where you can select the layer/shard/instance to be on, where it also shows the population on it and adds more when needed… and Blizz gave us this SHlT automated one that randomly changes you screwing you over after farming to spawn or camp a rare or events and such reseting it back to 0.

Similarly for War Mode, as a fellow Horde on Sunstrider you probably notice how horribly outnumbered we are… like 10-15+:1.

The devs are honestly thick at times…


absolutely true! i dont dare turning my wm on bcuz of that issue too, getting griefed while farming something and questing and tried to loot the pvp chest some days ago and when i got there it was around 40 vs 4!
so unfair and unbalanced!