Gg warlocks it was fun while it lasted

With those changes affly would be still as unplayable as it is now, because of the lack of dot pressure and hardcastrd uas

Yeah, and that is why no one plays affli or demon at high ratings. Because they are so good and viable and funny and competitive that we all decided to stop using them just because.

Hardcasting UA becomes much less of a matter when you are more mobile. But yeah, affli has some additional problems due to the stupid “stacking UA” mechanic.

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So in otherwords you just gave up because you can now actually be killed. Adapt or quit thats how it goes with this game. Every spec is viable.

Okay Zimontard, just get your pills okay?

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Oh thats new, then are all warlocks above 2,2k doing something wrong, right?
Read what versa. giving you, its not only dmg increasing. :wink:

No need for pills. You are just being childish and delusional. Adapt or die.

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They’re not doing anything wrong, because they don’t go Versa.
And I specifically said (because of noobs like you) that it’s better defensively to go Mastery.
So obviously if I am talking about defense, I do acknowledge defense of Versatility.
It’s just that you’re too noobish and again it turns out you don’t know something about topic you talk about…

AKA when you get coiled every 30 seconds, right?

Wasnt’ the coil someone else?

Dude so many of them I’m getting lost :rofl:

Stop being childish and talk like a grown man, atleast try it even when you’re teenager. Its getting ridiculous with you 1,8k stucking lock :wink:

Keep playing and learning, somedays you will reach 2k. Dont lose ur hope and childish mind.

Btw, have a look what I’ve written, kinda annoying when you miss the half.
Maybe you just forgot it while using “?coil?” :smiley:

Did you ever play 1 interrupt comp vs this? Guess not… If you lose to Elemental as Destruction warlock in 3s you play it wrong. You can’t get lasso’ed ever - you have Spell Lock for every lasso. Ele wants to keep grounding for Maledict/CB.

You have to care about Grounding and Wind Shear but you can reflect maledicts, coil into fear to avoid tremor and 1 pro tip vs Ele - roots hurt him a lot.

The only Ele comp you are not favoured against is Ele/Mage/R druid.

i dont get this one… specially when no class loses damage for cc since like… cata?

nerf to destru and aff yeah, demo its soul link… wich is what every spec needs.

I’m very curious where that versa stacking myth comes from :slight_smile:

at 2K2+ rating (the one you talked about):

h ttps://

4% is stacking, OKAY

P.S/ can’t put link in post for some reasons, so just copy and delete the space between the h and t of https

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You don’t stack Versa as Destro that’s true as mastery is better Versatility for Destro. Demo warlocks were stacking Versa in S1 (Mgodx at least did).

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Irony doesn’t really work with you, does it?

Man, you have no idea what you are talking about. Destrolocks do not stack versatility because mastery does the same (increasing damage AND defense) but better than versatility. No real point in stacking versa.

Demolocks and afflilocks may stack versa, but those aren’t played at high ratings because they suck.

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You’re literally 2.2k because of fury+mw
And hardstuck on 1550 in 3s guess why?

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well maybe you should stop guessing as you seem to do and rather focus on facts
https:/ /

You can, grounding is a thing and Hex also, sometimes Warlock rather kicks CC or you can check mate him. Kicked CC? Fine, lasso. Kick lasso? Fine, CC.

generally, not necessarily

Any Ele comp obliterates Warlocks. It just may require you to not be noob. But if you’re good player, know how to use thunderstorm and Tremor as well, it goes long way. But even if you don’t, you have still many tools to deal Warlock and as an instant proc class, you don’t need to be in open to deal damage, so you can shoot and hide. Easy wins.

Warlock is probably easiest class to play against as Ele. Probably easier than Mage even.

comes from idiots that tried to be clever, but have no clue how warlock works yet keep thinking they’re knowledged enough
many people agree that warlocks need nerf, yet none of them seems to even know what warlocks do
that kinda shows how players who want warlock nerfs wants it out of their incapability to learn the game

I did already. Even higher than that.
You on the other hand…

No wonder why our game record is 2:0 for me xD I play Ele/Boomy/H Pala and whenever I meet Destruction/Fire/X I want to pull all hair from my had. I have 1 interrupt and I have to cover my Pala from Poly as he has no defence (you play H Paladin so you should know it but whenever you play every comp is advantageous against you - what a struggle), interrupt and ground Chaos Bolts and Greater Pyroblast, tremor fear, instantly dispel Havoc and deal damage in a meanwhile xD I can only deal damage with these instants that I have and hug a pillar with my Boomy. Every Mortal Coil means my Pala can get Polymorphed I can Feared after and my Boomy who has no interrupt needs somehow to survive xD WW/Destruction/X is winnable, Destruction/Shadow/X too thanks to Holy Paladins aura but Destruction/Fire/X (usually played with H Paladin) is basically a wall. I played vs different warlocks and these good ones interrupt only my lasso and nothing else. 8 sec hex with isn’t enough to kill warlock if he has CDs and with R Druid and MW Monk being top healers we don’t have Root + Beam option in most of our matchups.

If you are such good Ele please stream on it I’d love to watch you beating these weak Destruction Warlocks on stream so I can learn from you.

buy me computer that can stream and i will