I think they both like to have the last word. I also think if someone quotes you, you are more likely to quote them and reply back. It is a never ending cycle of disagreement.
Lmao, you talk about opinions, yet you have constantly tried to force yours down other peoples throats. Get the hell out of here with that bullroar. WoW, as a game, SHOULD be about the multiplayer aspect, not the solo aspect. Want to know why? Because it’s a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game. Now, please, g ahead and tell me where that says “Solo content is more important that multiplayer content”.
YOU have no idea what an MMO is if you don’t think communities and guilds are important are the game SHOULD be about them.
Spoiler alert, you’ve just contradicted yourself. “This is ONLY your opinion, but Classic was worse”. I said I’d be making my own mind up. If it has more RPG and more MMO aspects of the game, then I’ll enjoy it. Because, unlike you, I don’t mind the grind. I play this game FOR the grind. Todays WoW is not an MMORPG anymore, it’s only an MMO and is close to losing that.
It is one f*cking dungeon, that’s it! You’re all acting like the game constantly removes choice from you! You are majorly hyperboling the situation, and this is just becoming ridiculous.
You really can’t read, it amazes me. Here, let me help you out.
I still do it towards what I want. THIS is the difference between me and you. I don’t come and complain on the forums to try and remove an element of the game that NEEDS to be there. I just get on with it, because I KNOW that once I’ve done it, it’s done and I can do what I enjoy!
You on the other hand just want to be fed on a silver platter. You want to play a game where it GIVES you everything with no effort. You’re lazy and entitled and EXPECT the game to cater to you, whilst not caring about how it’s destroying it for other players. Again, you’re on a high horse and think you’re better than everyone else. You need to get off it.
Now, I’m done replying to you. You are way too far gone mentally to be able to understand someone elses side of things, you use things I say out of context to try and “win” your arguement, and then when you start to lose, you turn to name calling and comparing it to vile things that happen in the world. Enjoy the rest of your life.
That last reply shows @Shortbolts preferring to be an antagonist in this battle of minds - ultimately deriding @Tahra’s mental state to further his point - rather a low blow for a a fair discussion partaker.
Still… take all sorts & a shame that that’s how true colours end up being shown.
LMAO! You do realise they’ve done NOTHING but talk about my mental health, right??? Or did you not notice this??? They’ve told me I have mental problems, I should “Go check my issues” and other things, hence my comment towards their mental health.
But, of course, ignorant people will always stick up for each other.
I’m pretty certain you’re trying to hide your elitism under fairness & most of the time you manage it… but there are occasions your true colours sneak through.
Accept that some people - who know they’re not as good as you at the game - can do a better job of telling others that they’re cr*p than you will ever manage and save your keystrokes.
Learn to know when you’re not making headway in a discussion - that’ll be a start.
Elitism isn’t wanting fair gear from the content you complete. It’s more like wanting no one to have tier from LFR or removing LFR all together.
It was more an observation about biting one’s tongue & appearing to be neutral, when your inner self doesn’t want to be…
Oh I see.
he’s right tho.
that other creature wants game to be a spoon feeding festival for everyone. is arrogant and long list of negative things.
good thing you just reminded me to report its posts. thanks!
Nothing to say to that… short of reminding myself that contra-posting where either of you have a major input is a big mistake.
… and you wanting to report any post doesn’t need the likes of me to remind you… you’re perfectly able to do that with your own powers of deduction.
Which unfortunately are both comments I see all too often on these forums.
I could very well respond to their obvious flaming, lying and otherwise just wrong assessment of the topics they address, but it’s not worth the time. I just report and move on and reply to people who I can actually have a proper discussion with. But sometimes they just make it difficult because they just spout such nonsense that I feel an urge to reply and put them in their place.
Ah well.
The whole game could do with a kick in its’ a$$ to get players to actively invite those they want in their party - within acquaintances made in game - & not allow for mismatched expectations of an open invite irrespective of experience/ability.
Just draw a line in the sand & forget the whole sorry experience.
Don’t reply… just do it.
The time for that has passed. They can never go back to that system again.
The game would consist of small groups of people doing things together and the rest being able to do nothing. The game would empty.
People don’t want to go through all kinds of trouble just to get a group and be able to do content.
Look at all other aspects of life at this moment. People want it fast and they want it easy. Swipe left. One button order. Everything delivered to your door.
This is the way the world is now.
This thread is so full of elitism that im getting sick and want to vomit please someone close this i know i can leave this thread but something radioactive like this made me see it actually.
Personally I wouldn’t object to tier in LFR, however I can see how a high end Mythic guild could feel under time pressure having to do it on numerous alts. Particularly when wanting that last piece on a particular class to gain the bonus.
Of course the only way around that would be to make tier bonus weaker, but then maybe it would be pointless.
I remember back in the day tier bonuses on certain classes could be so broken that it trumped the stats on the piece of gear. I recall until I got Heroic gear in ICC for instance that it was preferable to wear a two tier piece from ICC coupled with a two piece tier from Heroic TOC.
I’ve always thought they could just weaken tier sets when a new tier comes out. that way you wouldn’t get hose weird situations where two 2-sets were strong.
I can’t post images, but please Google
XKCD 386
“Someone is wrong on the Internet”…?