Glorious victory of the Alliance

No death to humans,theyre the worst least intresting race,and really shouldnt be in fantasy at all. Theyre the most generic boring race of them all.

And theyve done nothing but drag down the lore of other alliance races.


Said the elf, hah.


what other alliance races? … what you mean those exist because the writing staff don’t seem to think they do

Thats all fault of humans.

That’s only because the writing stuff can’t just publish NSFW stuff, or we Draenei would be one of the most prolific…

… wait. That’s not a good thing!

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Says the MHP.

And elves have lot more differences then generic middle ages westeren humans that are exact same with 0differences.

Void elves would aswell.
Hot elves + tentacles so…

Not really. Also, if you wanna complain about boring, stereotypical races, you really shouldn’t post from an elf. They are quite possibly the blandest race ever, generic fantasy, etc etc etc.

Not to mention that you have 4 kinds of them in WoW…


still not as generic as humans.
Theyre all the same generic westeren middle ages humans.

Y-yes, that’s what I was saying.


No humans are even more Generic.
Nothing is more generic then Humans.

And humans shouldnt be in fantasy really.
When they do it always ends up worse for the other races their focus and al

Friendly Horde player here to remind y’all that this won’t be reflected in the game.


Ok Garithos, ok.


What convincing arguments that you bring up.

Better then you have ever done.

Stay salty asspull elf, stay salty.

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Stay salty asspull human,stay salty.(and aspull is the kultiran being totally different looking humans)

I can do that aswell

Except, you know, for the fact that bulky humans have been in the game since Classic, you can’t.

But hey, at least you actually formed an argument. That must have required a lot of focus, to muster that amount of intellect.

Haven’t seen a anti-human supremacist for quite some time.

Haters’ gonna hate.

For all haters:

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