Got kicked out of my DND group for still playing WoW

I was playing Dungeons and Dragons other day with a group of friends and since we all share mostly same interests we talked about WoW and i told them i still play after scandal and that i dont care and just wanna play video game im paying for.

In evening i got a message over facebook from DM that they dont want person like me in their group anymore, called me a n*zi, kicked me from group chat and blocked me.



perfect example of people who can not distguish a game vs realife, and think that if you play wow, you are a sexual predator almost now, you prolly better off whit out those narrow minded people.


Good for you. Now you know they were never your friends.


i have feeling that you’re trollin but anyway, you had a bad friends, if they really can be called friends before


if only it was that easy back in 1941, shame these people werent on the frontlines of western front

btw, don’t you find that all these scandals just right in time when blizz failed to explain why after 8 months of waiting we got so bad, small and boring content?
just a theory…

they were friends? really?


Either it went:
You said “F*** em, I’m glad they harrassed people.”
Your D&D group are ultra sensitive and you’re better off out of there.


It is possible to be disgusted by this behaviour and to remain playing the game. Millions of people will stay playing and not all of them are evil.
I will continue to play the game and I think what happened at the company was disgusting. Not all of the devs (nor most probably) acted in this terrible way.

Who are you to tell others how they should or shouldn’t live their lives?


get better friends.

sorry but no matter what you said it sounds like they are pretty toxic, if you said something they don’t like they can talk to you about it like adults instead of the way they behaved.

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What about Facebook, Twitch, Google, Amazon…? All these companies abuse their employees. Facebook moderators kill themselves all the time because it is a grueling, disgusting job. Are you using any of those platforms? What about your phone? Lithium is produced by child slaves, are you okay with that?

You need to be very careful about your indignation. All consumption basically means you’re down with suffering.

Personally, from everything I’ve seen, these are a few truths - since J. Allan Brack became Blizz president, things have been getting better. I want Blizz to do well. The allegations are disgusting of course, but why boycott when the realization has already been made and Blizz is walking the path to ameliorating the situation? I swear many of Blizzard’s employees are happy they can finally be heard and they can finally have their demands met. Of course I support the Blizz devs in their walkouts and their refusal to work. What’s also kinda nice is how Activision elected to treat the walkout as work and the devs will be paid for it.

Obviously not.


You should get some new “friends” because those fellas aint it.


Some people just can’t seem to grasp the fact that video games are not real life.
We don’t want your real life issues bringing into game, we game to escape all that bs.

  • You’re anti/pro LGBTQ, that’s fine, but leave it at the door on the way in.
  • You’re religious? That’s fine too, but we have our own religions on Azeroth.
  • You’re offended that characters are a certain colour? Hell, stay away from those Night Elfs, half of them are an offensive green. Again, real world issue, leave it at the door.

Don’t try to push your views onto others, accept people with opposing views, and just play the game.

@OP Don’t worry about them, just play the game and enjoy it if that’s what makes you happy.


Then you encountered the moment you realized those “friends” were never really “true friends”. True friends stand to you, even if they don’t agree with everything you do.

Edit: For example, one of my friends thinks the “I identify as (wo)-men/diverse” stuff is ok, but would never call those people by the wished pronouns. While I do see this as offensive behavior, does that mean I have to hate him from now on? Absolutely not. People can have different opinions and respect levels.

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If you are not trolling, you are better off without those people.

And as the above person said:

Leave the real world problems outside Azeroth.
The real world is vast and have ALOT of venues to express and fight for what you believe.

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I dont mean to be toxic, but what do you want us to do about it? :’)

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Good, you are better off without them.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself those are not real friends if they act that way.

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I never tell anyone im playing WoW. This game has a terrible reputation, not least because of its disgusting “community”. Oh well, you live to learn.