Greymane Praising Section

this thread will be purged and from the ashes will arise a new thread a anduin thread :wink:

The Church of Greymane is so 2018. Itā€™s all about Muradinā€™s Minster now!


Right so Iā€™m not a fan of Greymane personally for various reasons.
BUT I found a way to still Hail Greymane.

And that is, simply, raise Liam Greymane and make it an important character of the Forsaken, forever angering any Gilnean still breathing.

What do you think? I think itā€™s good.

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Undeath really isnā€™t that bad.

Just ask the recently raised Night Elves. They seem to be enjoying it.


I mean, if I had to be offered the choice between being raised and slaying all the remaining ones I loved with badass red eyes, or turning into a sister of Navi and turning around Trees for all Eternity until I blow up inside of a Demon, Iā€™d choose the first option too.

Edit: Typo, words, stuff.

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Hey, Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey, HEY! Hey, Listen!


And that, my friends, justify the ENTIRE War.


Not gonna lie. If the devs replaced Delaryn with Navi, then even I would support the trigger of this entire war.

ā€œHey! LISTEN!ā€
ā€œBurn it! BURN IT!ā€


I lowkey hate you both after this, but I find this amusing.


If you played Zelda during your childhood, you would know that Navis voice would trigger a war just by itself. I still have PTSD of herā€¦ hearing her voiceā€¦ in my nightmares.

I find her voice adorable.


Listen to that for ten seconds

Alright ready up the Demolisher weā€™re burning Nordrassil now. Yes it might destroy the world well Iā€™m ready to pay the price.

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That voice is cute!

Exodarā€™s next. Do we still have the plans of the Mana-Bomb?

You do realize that Mā€™uruā€™s essence is retrievable, donā€™t you?

Hmm what will happen with that? Will the well return to be an arcane torrent, rid of all impurities like he was pre WC3?

Indeed. However the High Elvesā€™ existence prooves that the withdrawal effect isnā€™t that much of a deal.

Weā€™ll survive.

You know, the Alliance should get high elves as a playable raceā€¦

Stop it! Youā€™re cheating!!! :sob:

Using high elves on the forums is deploying the blight.