[H]AeoN - Casual guild for casuals/mature


This seems like a very nice guild to be a part of.
I've added Drakethar and Spiritbull to my friends list.

Just came back to WoW, played a lot TBC -> MoP. Then I quit.
Hoping to find my way back :)
As many old schoolers would say <3 TBC

Drake might be able to answer faster since I am still searching for the long lost medallion of C'thun on the shores of Greece.
If not, add me on b-net and after Wednesday when I am back we'll talk it out :)
25/08/2018 13:54Posted by Trebellius

This seems like a very nice guild to be a part of.
I've added Drakethar and Spiritbull to my friends list.

Just came back to WoW, played a lot TBC -> MoP. Then I quit.
Hoping to find my way back :)
Hey Kast.

We thank you for your interest in our guild.
Looking around the forums I've seen you have a different post looking for a raiding guild.
Sadly, we are definitely not a raiding guild and probably will never be.
With the type of content you seem to be aiming for, we think you would be bored with us.
We wish you good luck in finding a suitable guild.

25/08/2018 04:52Posted by Kastetowna
I'm russian and looking casual guild where i will improve my speaking english :)
Last time i played in WotLK for priest and i was best shadow priest on russians servers. 28 years old, few time a week i ready to go on mythic dungeons and raids.

Casual laserchicken looking for a casual guild here, still looking? <3
Ofcourse, add one of us up and we will talk it out :)
25/08/2018 17:42Posted by Drunngo

Casual laserchicken looking for a casual guild here, still looking? <3
come on mature casuals, we know you're out there! :)

This guild seems like the right fit for me! Can I add you in-game later this day for a chat?
Ofcourse Vans :)
29/08/2018 10:34Posted by Vans

This guild seems like the right fit for me! Can I add you in-game later this day for a chat?
This seems like a nice guild. I've added you on B-net for a chat.

Short background is: 30+, been playing since vanilla. Fulltime work so not that much wow-time. Looking for friendly group of people of diverse background to do some M+ and maybe the random BG or such.
Awesome, let's talk it out :)
02/09/2018 18:42Posted by Kamidotten
This seems like a nice guild. I've added you on B-net for a chat.

Short background is: 30+, been playing since vanilla. Fulltime work so not that much wow-time. Looking for friendly group of people of diverse background to do some M+ and maybe the random BG or such.
Shameless bump!
Another shameless bump... just to solidify @Flipout's shameless bump
Still on the lookout for mature casuals :)
Hi Spiritbull,
Sounds like just the place I'm looking for to call home :)
Coming back after a few years out. Re-rolling Horde on TM for new adventure!
Have sent a friend request on bnet (pyra#2689), would be good to have a chat.
Zero has contacted us and we're glad he's on board.
Rock on old schoolers!
We're still open for casuals! :)
17/09/2018 10:51Posted by Spiritbull
We're still open for casuals! :)

Hey! Could I be considered for a spot? I'll be online on this character this evening, otherwise my Bnet is SteveHarris#2836. Cheers :)
Hey Iza,

Add me up on my bnet and we can talk it out.
Everyone can be considered :)
