( H ) Looking for guild, Aszune/Shadowsong

Hello guys :smiley:
I have wanted to join wow for years now but never had free time, but now i have plenty :slight_smile:
spoiler alert : noob, but willing to learn, been grinding for some time and getting to know lore and my class … now i thing i need a guild to grow and learn from … love pve and pvp … mature … looking to have fun in an active community :smiley:

Hi Tiecoplanin! If you’re up for a move to Magtheridon server we have a friendly, chilled out guild with plenty of people to answer questions about the game and to group up with! :grinning:
We raid, run M+, have fun social events and generally have a laugh together!

If you’d like more info, add me on Discord (Tea003#8087) or in game (Tea003#2501) for a chat! :grin: