[H(/N?)-RP] A Roaming Hub - Session Three - Durotar's Heat! 🏜️

… So promises of ONE HUNDRED ELVES have come true.

Stop by Meredil today, and you can see the culture clash that is one third Blood Elves, one third Nightborne and one third every other race in the Horde.


you’re back in Orgrimmar again?

Won’t be for another month or so at the very least!

your funeral. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We will be claiming this one, and will be running it on monday the 25th at 20:00 server time


Noted! As mentioned in the main post; anyone can tag and claim events from the noticeboard at their leisure; just drop a message here that you’ve snagged it, and post the outcome of your attempts!

Doing a mission on the noticeboard will unlock more missions following that branch.

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Bring it :dagger:


I’ll be grabbing this one myself, for tonight! Poke me before 8:30PM to come along - or await the outcome of this dastardly adventure later tonight!

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I’d like to say thank you to duskwatch outriders for the complete acceptance of the random rp with my character here. Top guys.

He’s a bit too unique to be involved in any of the events there but he loves his little talks with the duskwatch.

Makes his day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So many people in Suramar. Styrros hates every second of it! But OOCly, of course, this all makes for good RP! So thanks to this mobile RP hub for livening Suramar up! :slight_smile: Good stuff!

And thanks Eltoren! :wink:


The adventuring group investigating the lost thief’s cache among the Stormdragons returned to Meredil victorious - not only had they not had to fight the dragons to claim their target, they’d largely managed to get in and out of their warren without being spotted.

Now a cache of family heirlooms had been shipped back to Suramar City - to be hopefully united with their proper owners.

Additionally, I’d like to thank Garathil for contributing the following new missions to the noticeboard! The main post and the map will be updated shortly.

6 - Thieving Fiends

Disaster! During the dead of night, supplies have been stolen from the outskirts of the camps! The only lead left by the thieves is a trail of garbage trailing towards the woods of the Crimson Thicket. Investigate and retrieve back the stolen goods!

7 - The Missing Merchants

A group of Nightborne merchants have gone missing on their way to Val’sharah. They were at the head of a small caravan with provisions and goods to trade with the Dreamweavers. Their last known location was Moonwhisper gulch.

8 - Missing Magic

The famed Moonguard fortress is renown for it’s archives and ancient magical depositories. Once its gates were broken during the events of the Legion’s invasion, that knowledge remains unguarded and ripe for the picking. Secure it and ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands!

9 - Engines of Damnation

Down in the corrupt depths of Felsoul hold, demons have begun trying to re-establish a foothold. Rumours of soul-engines being construct in the depths of it have begun spreading. Investigate and put an end to the insidious plans of any demon who has not yet learned of how the war ended the last time!

10 - Feeding the Troops!

Everyone knows that an army marches on its stomach and for that, the present forces will likely have to look the wilderness for fresh food so as to not drain the supplies of their hosts during their stay. There are rumours of wildlife in great numbers in the wilderness. Investigate the potential for a feast!


I’ve decided to dive in and claim the above task. Once I know that I’m not treading on anyone else’s toes, I’ll edit this post with a date and time!

Edit: Changed task because I forgot we’re not allowed in the city! Whoopsie doodle.

Edit2: Event will happen tonight at 8:30 Server Time! Since it’s kinda my first time in a long while hosting an RP event, it’ll be kinda small-scale. No more than 10.


What city are you not allowed in? :neutral_face:


The Frozen Paw have been requested not to linger in Suramar City due to… diplomatic conerns. :wink:

Edit: And check, Erithur! It’s been snagged. :+1:

By… whom exactly? 'Cause Suramar is in the Horde, and no player has the authority to change that.

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I imagine it to ensure phasing isn’t a problem in the NB starting place, also the mobs all over the place in Suramar?

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It’s actually an in-character matter entirely (and only affecting the Frozen Paw Clan!), no worries - though there are certain phasing issues specifically with the NB starting area and daily quests to look out for as well.


Pinching ‘Felsoul Creepers’ for my Sunny Pigeons if das ist alles groovy

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The small group of adventurers, led by an impromptu leader who was way out of his depth, successfully investigated Felsoul Hold and thwarted an attempt of repairing the Soul Engine there, along with killing the overseer. With the sly plan of using fel-infused crystals to aid in destroying the remnants of this dark, evil construct, the group had both defeated a resurgence, but also made a statement.

“Stay out of Suramar.”


And with that, the map is updated and ready for another day tomorrow!