[H] PVP problems playability and honesty

Battlegrounds are cross-server why rank-system is not cross-server?
like a person who plays on a low-populated realm will get r14 and waste half less time then other people on getting rank 10 on hight populated realms, it is just unfair to other people why one can play 4h per day to get 14 rank and others must play 22h and if he lucky maybe he will get rank we pay the same price for a game. (and all this without looking on premade, being honest I don’t believe that someone who plays all-time battlegrounds has time to farm gold for their reagents like potions and explosive so here are 2 variants they buy it from sites or they get support from other people, and if its sites it’s not even legal)
Another thing about PVP that what called the Russian cluster and probably they made a discord channel and we get another cool staff basically coz ally have close to instant AV pop Russians get the ability to make premade on AV, but the EU can’t do the same stuff and no one give f***.
All this is unfair and why blizzard Dev gives no attention

Because Vanilla WoW was never fair.

Vanilla WoW was fair. The cross server stuff came much much later when the PvP stuff didn’t require tanks, just honor points.

It’s not always true.
Actually sometimes it’s even harder to get desired rank on the less populated server because of the pool/bracket sizes.
It depends on pool size not on server population.
If we had cross-server ranking system, we would be asking to change this to server-based system :smiley:

isnt have a bigger pool size are better to everyone?
or i miss somthing?

lol i find why,
One realm premade can take all hight rank sloths so its a bad idea

Less pool means less bracket spaces.
For example you have two servers with 1k pool and 10k pool.
On 1k pool server might be only:
r14 bracket (3 players)
r13 bracket (5 players)
r12 bracket (12 players)
r11 bracket (15 players)

On 10k pool server might be:
r14 bracket (30 players)
r13 bracket (50 players)
r12 bracket (120 players)
r11 bracket (150 players)

Let’s say you are a solo player and you are playing on 1k pool server.
Also there’s a premade guys that are grinding their ranks and they do 24/7.
In this case they will get first 15 slots and you can only raise yourself into r12 bracket the only 5 free slots below premade (but don’t forget that you have to grind alot cause other players wanna have r12 too).

So as you can see the bigger pool actually drastically raise your chances to get higher rank cause there might be much more players that do casual pvp from time to time and increase pool size for rankers.
That is just trivial example but still you should get my point.

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