[H-RP] Orcs of the Red Blade – Now Old Enough to Drive and Vote!

Yeah, the hunt was great!

As was the War training in Razor hill last night, all part of the regular Razor-hill village hours!

We've got a few more minor events occuring before the big DRUMS OF WAR events begin to take place, so be sure to come visit us in Durotar, and enjoy some pork and ale.
Honored brothers and sisters,

There are times for healing, and there are times for war. The past two months have been a time of spiritual and physical healing for many of us, as we have recuperated from the labors of war against the Burning Legion. Offerings were made, celebrations were held and bonds were forged. It was a good time for any orc who strives for the days of old, before any interventions from dae'mons or belligerent clans. Even in those venerated days, however, war was an ever-skulking predator. And that predator is now poised to strike.

Many of you expected it to happen for some time, but it has now at long last happened. The skirmishes in Silithus have come to a head. The Warchief has now called for a mass mobilization of all battle-ready denizen of the Horde. It is with a heavy heart that I must commit the Red Blade's banner, too, to the Horde's thundering war machine. Come the fourth day of Gorosh, we shall say our goodbyes to the sanctity of Razor Hill and begin to make our way to Orgrimmar, where the drums of war have been sounded. Do not expect a short conflict, for it would appear this war is bound to be greater than any conflict we have witnessed in recent times. Sharpen your blades, repair your armor and raise the colors of the clan. But above all else, do not forget who we are and where we come from. Carry your homeworld and the Code of our ancestors with you in your hearts, for it are these things that will separate us from any other warrior upon the battlefield. And know that I am proud to be your Chieftain, for I would not wish for any finer warriors to stand by my side upon the field of battle.

For the Blood of Redblade,
Kozgugore Feraleye

July's newsletter has been posted! Read all about our upcoming plans and setup for the Drums of War campaign on our front page at orcsoftheredblade.com!
Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!

Time to Ride to War! For the Blood!
The Drums of War campaign is about to be underway tonight, and we'll be right there along with it! We had a blast interacting with all the folks in Orgrimmar (a rarity, as we tend to stay away from Orgrimmar due to usually setting up camp in Razor Hill), and hopefully there'll be plenty more to come!

For now, the first part of our campaign report has been posted in our forum thread, so feel free to peek along with that if you'd like to stay in the loop of our activities!

These guys were great to RP with last night, hope to see you around in the 'Drums of War!'.
Thanks Khorgrin! It's been a pleasure interacting with you and the many other Horde RPers we normally don't bump into so far! Here's hoping for plenty more fun!

Meanwhile, the second report for our ongoing campaign in the Drums of War is up! Check out this and the previous report in the campaign report thread on our forums! http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php?topic=4704.0

Part 2: True Colours
6th of June

War has engulfed Ashenvale Forest. Following our initial incursion, we survived our first encounter with the Alliance forces when they subsequently stood their ground at both Darkshore and Felwood. There is no penetrating their defenses as it stands, but it is only a matter of time before they are forced to give away more ground and eventually withdraw further into Darkshore. With the amount of Horde forces occupying these forests, they shall soon be stretched too thin to offer a worthy opposition. Victory, it seems, is but a matter of vigilance and patience.

Following our encampment at Splintertree Post, the clan has personally undertaken a valiant effort to seize the nearest Kaldorei base, the Silverwing Outpost, from the enemy's clutches. Though gravely outnumbered, we managed to gain the upper hand when support from the west bank arrived at long last. Ere the first day we arrived here, the eastern region has proven severely undermanned compared to the vast amount of Kaldorei who yet stalk these forests. One way or another however, we mustered enough orcs of our own and some of the others to pose a serious threat to the Alliance forces occupying Silverwing Outpost. It was a long and heady battle, particularly troubled by the last stand their sentinels offered upon the outpost's structure, but through sheer force of will, we persevered.

Silverwing Outpost was but the first step in securing the eastern bank of the Falfarren River. In order to ensure the Mor'shan Ramparts remain in Horde hands and the caravans passing through its gates safely reach the western front, all opposition must be rooted out. I am fully aware of the unlikeliness of this great task, but we would not be children of Akashok if we would not give it our all to at least make the attempt. And otherwise fall doing so. The Silverwing Grove to the south of the outpost is now their last bastion of resistance in the eastern forest. I have given orders to surround it: lay traps, place barricades and put a constant guard upon the perimeter. Reinforcements already managed to force their way through when Silverwind Refuge was assaulted, so none more should be allowed to bolster the grove. It is the best we can do for now, for we find ourselves with naught but a skeleton crew occupying the Silverwing Outpost for now. Should the defenders marshal forth from their defenses to assault the outpost once more, we can only hope that aid from across the river will reach us in time. For Splintertree Post is all but abandoned up until now. It would seem but few realize the importance of maintaining the supply lines. One way or another, the Red Blade's and the Horde's banners fly over Silverwing Outpost. A great battle has been won, to be recorded into our annals.

And yet, I am concerned. Not only for the night elves and their continued attempts to break us behind enemy lines in order to force a withdrawal, but perhaps even more so for the Horde's very own forces. I have made my clan's intentions crystal clear when prisoners of war were briefly discussed during the war council. And yet, there are plenty others who would see our Horde fall into shame and anarchy. Pending a prisoner's interrogation, the clan found itself continuously dogged by the despicable rot-walkers of the fallen kingdom. And even more shameful, aided and encouraged by orc grunts from the Hand of Conquest. Rather than to put the prisoner to good use in order to further the vital war efforts here, they desired to sate their pitiful self-worth by murdering the unarmed human. Despite express instructions, they saw fit to go through with their plans and show their true colours. A report has been sent to High Command, but I earnestly doubt any consequences shall follow. Even so, I trust our intentions have been made clear. We shall no longer support any efforts by the Rotgarde or the Hand of Conquest until responsibility has been taken for these crimes. Responsibilities that I do not expect to happen. Be that as it may, the Code forbids us to honour an alliance with the dishonourable. We will continue to fight in the name of the Horde so long as the Horde's interests lie in this foolhardy plan. But we shall do so on our terms. The enemy of my enemy has the potential to be my friend. But if that friend harbours dishonourable and despicable cretins, it may soon turn out that their battles shall be their own should this infantile and inane conduct continue.
It's been a brilliant campaign so far! Looking forward to more...

...Though those elves best watch out, no more guarding the supply lines for us Red blades. We're coming raiding!

For the blood!
These guys are a blast to play with. Kudos to you for being such good sports in the Ashenvale campaign! Had great fun at Silverwing Outpost the other day.
1 Like
Do give my regards to Wornag. Heard that when I wasn't online he actively hunted my guildie.

I'll be looking out for you, orc.
09/07/2018 01:27Posted by Gläedr
Do give my regards to Wornag. Heard that when I wasn't online he actively hunted my guildie.

I'll be looking out for you, orc.

I have no clue who you're talking about. You elves all look the same.

I'll be waiting. >:)
Many thanks for the kind words! We've continued having a great time in the campaign so far! Thanks for hosting it from the onset, Saleysea!

The next part of our ongoing campaign reports is up! Find this one and all the previous ones in all their proper formatting here!

Part 4: The Instinct of War
10th of June

Some say the end of this conflict is drawing near. In but the course of two days, we have advanced from Hellscream's Watch, up to Orendil's Retreat in northern Ashenvale and then charged through the wall of their magics all the way up to the ruins of Auberdine. We spent most of it fighting on wolfback, serving as support from the flank in the battle for Orendil's Retreat and successively as outriders in our charge into Darkshore, riding all the way up to Auberdine. We were fought back on our first attempt, when we overreached our extend under orders of Stone Guard Zeep and were forced to withdraw to an abandoned Furbolg camp. Alliance skirmishers then drew us out, however, and by their own hand, they forced us to advance as far back north to Auberdine once more.

It took hours of fighting, but we have now set up a forward base camp at Auberdine. Still I find myself concerned with the thought of being so far ahead of the main force. Many are still as far back at the southern tip of Darkshore, putting us at risk of being cut off should the Alliance show enough tact to but move around and encircle us. Some would claim they have not that tact, for there is talk of infighting amidst their military leaders. To that I say, let us concern ourselves for our own leadership first. The fighting around Auberdine today has made clear that my previous concerns regarding discord amidst our ranks may well become a threat to our success here. I already mentioned the trouble we found ourselves in when we first followed the Stone Guard here in the preliminary charge. During our second incursion into Auberdine however, Tagar Bearmaul of the Bloodsong saw fit to actively counteract Zeep's orders. I will not deny that there may have been some reason for questioning his authority, for ordering a charge through a heavy current unto a heavily defended cliff seemed like certain death even to me. But the challenge of authority did not end there. Even after the fighting had subsided, their dispute threatened to overtake the securing of Auberdine as a priority. So not only are we stuck too far north, we also find ourselves in the middle of a potential power struggle.

It is a smear on an otherwise surprisingly successful offensive. But a few days past, we found ourselves securing roads in the eastern part of Ashenvale. Now, we can already see the tree that is their home from the beaches here... And yet, I still cannot fathom how any might be foolish enough to think that seizing Teldrassil would end this war in one, fell stroke. Even if we are successful in this foolhardy offensive, this war will only escalate further. If not for the elves' tenacity and willingness to continue fighting from the shadows, then certainly for the rest of their Alliance. Word has already arrived of sabotage, skirmishes and raids behind the front lines back in Ashenvale. These are the circumstances in which the Kaldorei fight best. When they are least expected, on the offensive and in small numbers. It may not be easy fighting here at the front, but I would almost rather be out here, than back in the forest sniffing out elf ambushes.

Part of that feeling is not only based out of a feeling of anxiety of having to deal with Kaldorei ambushes in Ashenvale, however. I must confess, all this fighting at he front line is threatening to draw me back into my old ways once more. When the fighting was heaviest here in Auberdine last night, I could almost feel myself enjoying it. The clamour of battle, the rippling of the Horde banners, the tearing down of their own in a great, overwhelming charge... I can feel my instincts attempting to take over, pulling me back down into that pit of anger and a lust for blood. Do I embrace it, knowing we have a long and onerous way yet to go, or do I fight it, knowing a collected head is required to carry my brothers and sisters through all this? I have dealt with these questions before, but rarely has the fighting been this unrestrained hence the days of the Great Wars. I would be a liar if I would say I take no pleasure out of all this conflict whatsoever. And it concerns me, knowing full well what other objectionable people walk here amidst our ranks, committing crimes of war.

No. I must resist my primal ways - my clan's ways - of submitting to a warrior's haze. What my clan needs is a sound leader. Not another great warrior. The thrill and glory of battle may draw me in once more, but I must keep a clear head to get us through this. Even more so if our very own leadership threatens to collapse. Were it not for my own call for withdrawal, we would have fallen in that first, ill-advised charge into Auberdine already. Now more than ever, responsibility is needed of me. No matter how much I can feel my old brothers' spirits pulling me into that blood haze. I would ask for my ancestors' forgiveness, but I already know their answer. I already know my very own father's spiteful gaze. You may all berate me when I one day join you.
I love these campaign reports that Koz writes. Great stuff!
Literally running out of ways to kill Night elves.

We'll have to write hand book, or something.

For the Blood!
13/07/2018 19:03Posted by Ðawnseeker


Member Spotlight: Kai'gron

Once a Varog'Gor, always a Varog'Gor? It certainly has been the case with every orc who has donned the prestigious mantle of one of the clan's most revered titles thus far. Even though he parted ways with the clan a couple of years ago to pursue other ambitions, his road has ultimately led him back to the Red Blade once more, his resolve stronger than ever and well on his way to reclaiming his old title once again! Who is this mysterious yet infinitely badass Shattered Hand agent behind the scenes, however? Read on and find out!

What are the earliest memories you can think of when you first joined the clan? Was there any particular reason that you remember choosing for this guild in particular? How do you think back of those early days?
Rolled an orc rogue, went about levelling and RP’ing him with Tai Kaliso from Gears of War crossed with the Predator in mind. Randomly came across a bunch of Orcs RPing at the Crossroads, I kept my distance and just watched and observed and was gobsmacked at how properly RP’d Orcs were. After being very impressed I plucked up the courage to whisper Kozgugore. From that point I learnt quite a bit of orcish lore and began to weave it into Kai’gron, which enhanced my enjoyment.

The early days with the guild back on DB for me were thwart with epic world PvP mainly against the Dwarven Rifle Squad and other prolific Alliance guilds at the time, from these battles sparked my love and hate for PvP.

You're sure to be one of the oldest members of the clan by now. Are there any specific memories that you have from during your time with us that particularly stuck by you? Any that were particularly memorable, be it events, personal developments, characters or otherwise?
I’ve had many memories but the ones that stand out are the traditional ritualistic events that we still hold now... The Om’riggor and Kosh’arg in particular. With my character already completed his Om’riggor before joining the tribe (pre-clan) I felt it still needed to be done, It was alongside Krogon Devilstep within the jungles of Un’goro which lasted over a number of evenings. The entire ‘quest line’ of gathering marks, learning the tribe's lore to the proud moment of being named into the guild will always be my Red Blade moment. This coupled with campfire RP and guild-centric PvP keeps me immensely satisfied in game.

You've RPed Kai'gron for quite some years now, both in and out of the guild. Are there any particular ways in which the character has changed or developed over the years? Are there any particular causes for any such changes?
I’m a very introvert person and that translates in game at times, so my character will lean to being alone quite often. This alongside my love of stealth classes and military special operations games/movies/genres led me to develop Kai’gron into being just that, utilising what the game had to offer such as the Shattered Hand and other similar in-game units. But since the reformation of the clan and being older I feel like Kai has changed dramatically with him being less introvert and more aware of the clan’s members as often is the case players like to share their own love for their character and I do like hearing or reading about them more now. The major change in this is actually changing him to the Hunter’s Survival class which I feel reflects his change of nature.

Among those in the Orcs of the Red Blade, it's safe to say you're one of the more fanatic PvPers. Has the guild's move from Defias Brotherhood to Argent Dawn had any impact on how your experience that aspect of the game? Is there any particular role that you still see PvP playing a part in your RP, despite our move to AD?
I do miss the World PvP, but to be honest, that could be just nostalgia as the game has changed so much and getting ganked/one shotted by a warrior/DK or whatever FOTM class was no fun. Since the move to AD I’ve actually enjoyed some of the ‘restricted’ RP-PvP as it isn’t just a AoE fest that is like a migraine on my screen. Plus the PvE tag of Argent Dawn makes levelling at your own pace enjoyable, I still get my PvP fix from BGs, Arenas, Tol Barad and Ashran. So coming to AD, I get to enjoy all aspects of the game which ever way I choose.

You've been known to liven up your character and the stories he experience with some pretty impressive manipulated screenshots. What led you to start creating these pieces of art?
As a designer, it comes naturally to me. I started enhancing my own screenshots to try and bring life to certain events so that others can visualise what emotes were used. The use of our old DB forum, OotRB's own forum and the Argent Archives gave me a platform to spill my creative juice and really play around with bringing these events to life so that we all could enjoy our characters when not in game. During events I'm always taking screen shots with the intention of enhancing them, but with many things, it’s just hard to find the time to do them nowadays. My first inspiration was from old school YouTube videos of PvPers dueling. I’ve only made one WoW PvP video and looking back on it makes me cringe! It's called Rise of the Defiler.

Battle for Azeroth is nearly upon us now! Anything in particular that you're looking forward to in regards to the expansion? Be it in regards to gameplay or roleplay?
I’m looking forward to playing my new main class (Survival Hunter) and to take my RP with Kai’gron in a new direction with him being more attached to his Wolf ‘Koba’, but I'm really looking forward to actually RPing alongside all the new and old Clan members. War mode is something that I’ll definitely use and I do expect to get ganked by rogues so much that I’ll have to log my own rogue and show them exactly how it's done!
Part 6: A Hollow Triumph

Many victories have I basked in throughout my years of war and conquest. Each of them different from another. Some were laden with glory and joy as we celebrated total victory. Others were bittersweet, for the victory had been attained at the cost of dead friends and family. And some simply left me cold, for it served a cause I cared little for. And yet, I cannot remember victory ever having tasted solely bitter. Nor smell so virulent.

It has been some hours hence the last battle at Auberdine took place. We set out with a sizeable host in order to buy the Warchief's forces time to break through their wall of magics and allow the flanking force to strike from Felwood. Yet as it turned out, the Alliance set out with an even greater force. We held the line - barely - after we were threatened to be surrounded. But I almost paid for it with my life. In the chaos of it all, I was separated from the others. And then, just when I thought I had rid myself of any remaining pursuers, a straggler showed up. A lone wolf. But she was not like the others. No, her intent was not to kill me. She wanted to hurt me. A great deal. Rather than to attempt any killing blows that would allow me an easier opening, she simply kept on cutting me with those starred blades of hers. It was almost as if she was toying with me, like a cat with its prey. Until the prey would ultimately bleed dry in its suffering.

I am no prey to be toyed with, however. The water offered an escape, although an unintended one. When I fell, the current dragged me under and down along the river. I will say that there is a certain kind of peacefulness that water offers. Down underneath the surface, there is no clamour of battle or cries of the dying to be heard. I could have easily accepted my fate there and then, wounded as I was. But it would not have been in my nature to stop surviving. I somehow still found the strength to crawl to shelter. An abandoned bear den. And thus here I am, waiting. Gazing upon that tree that has now ignited an inferno. And with that inferno, a war will no doubt be ignited as well. One far greater than any would have foreseen. This battle may have been won, but the war is only just beginning.

I will rest here before I attempt to make my way back to safer territory. I can still hear the occasional elf slipping past my den, either to flee or to search for enemies. While I wait out the storm that rages on outside here, I cannot help but reflect on the words the elf woman said to me when she attacked. She spoke of poisoned daggers and innocent civilians slain. Children, even. Butchered in the name of 'my' Horde. We had received no word from what fate befell Astranaar when we first invaded the forest, save for that it was wiped clean by an advance force. We did not ask questions, but we did see the rot-walkers freely parading their prisoners and executing them for a mob's pleasure. Perhaps that above all else is why I cannot taste the sweet honey of victory in my mouth, but the bitterness of soot and ash. Perhaps we should have asked questions and stood up, rather than to allow our so-called 'allies' to run rampant through these forests. I would say with a clear mind that we did whatever we could to prevent dishonour to fall upon us and to treat our enemies with the respect they are due. But perhaps that was not enough. We should not have been conveniently blinded to that which passed outside of our gaze. We should have shown responsibility for the acts of the full breadth of our Horde. We should be better than this. The Horde deserves to be better than this.
I can't stop stressing enough, Orcs, if you are looking for a Tribal, Clan - like style of Roleplay for your Character , I cannot recommend this Guild enough. Great lot , their Lore likewise. Do yourself a favour and give them a try.

I've been apart of them and strolling with them in Times of war. And we will see eachother again soon enough!

Signed : Sergy
Oh Sergy <3

Also Koz, those posts make my Orcish heart melt with glee. Don't ever stop doing them.

For the Blood of the Clan!
*cracks back*