[H-RP] Warband of the Wolf - Thrall's Vision upheld! šŸŗ

Lokā€™tar Ogar, sons and daughters of the Horde! This is a newly started guild based on an old concept off Argent Dawn EU, already with our first event under our belt, and the second coming up tomorrow at 19:30 realm time!


With the Foundation of Durotar complete, and the gradual settling of Kalimdor, several Frostwolf orcs decided in unison that rather than return to their homes in the Alterac Mountains, they would stay with their Chieftain Thrall, and fulfill the vision he proposed for the Horde - a vision that can be largely found in novels like Lord of the Clans and Rise of the Horde.

What are we?

In essence, the Warband is an adventurerā€™s guild with one particular purpose; push the Horde towards the spiritually fulfilled community that Thrall envisions the Horde to be.

Instead of great warmachines and any underhanded means for victory, they value the means to live in harmony with nature, and face their enemies face-on, even if at a disadvantage.

Who are we?

Unlike the orc clans, the Warband isnā€™t exclusive to orcs. Rather, it welcomes all those of the Horde who share a similar goal, whether they be living or undead.

Just so, their structure is also rather unorthodox. Unlike a military unit or a clan, there isnā€™t a strict hierarchy of top-to-bottom, but rather a Warleader who helps oversee where the Warband is needed, and the rest flows as interactions between their members.

What do we do?

As explained above, the clan acts largely as an adventurerā€™s guild with a spiritual and ethical twist to it. Whether itā€™s escorting caravans from one city to another, fending off the centaur threat, or even facing off the Alliance, everything that furthers the wellbeing of the Horde can be considered.

Ranks and titles

The Warleader

The Warleader is the head of the Warband, and itā€™s leader in practice. They value the whole of the Warband greatly, and take great pains to ensure each name and face under their banner is well known to them, before ever putting their life at risk.

The Advisor

The Advisor carries the duty of guidance, both for the Warleader and for the Warband at large. These are often wizened elders or particularly capable diplomats, who know how to negotiate the narrow road between doing what is right, and doing what is practical.

The Pack Leader

The Pack Leader is the backbone of any successful warband. They are in charge of finding new blood for the Warband, training said blood, and aiding the Advisors when their word may not be heard by the Warbandā€™s more rowdy kin.

The Wolf Champion

The Wolf Champion is a rare title bestowed upon a particularly strong or capable member of the Warband. The Warleader may decide to find one through a tournament, if no Champion currently exists, or one may prove themself through acts of selfless heroism far beyond expectation.

The Naturalist

The Naturalists are the Warbandā€™s spiritual group, druids and shamans primarily. Sometimes their loyalties may overlap with the Cenarion Circle and the Earthen Ring, but their efforts in the Warband lay also with ensuring the group walks the narrow road of Strength and Honour.

The Wolfguard

The Wolfguard is the brute force of the Warband. Fully fledged warriors with big muscles and bigger weapons, these are the members tasked with ensuring the safety of the rest of the Warband from direct violence. If there is a frontline to be found, they are the ones making it hold.

The Spiritwielder

The Spiritwielders are the magi of the Warband; not quite as highly regarded as the Naturalists, but recognised for their mastery of fields outside that of Nature magic. Here go the mages and priestly beings of the clan - and yes, the occasional warlock, should their intentions be pure.

The Prowler

The Prowlers carry a special responsibility of being scouts, informants, hunters and mesengers of the Warband. Theyā€™re not the bulky frontline Wolfguard; instead, their skill lay with speed, discretion and sharp senses.

The Unproven

Some may call them rabble, but the Unproven is any new addition to the Warband, before they earn their colours. Often they will be the ones sent on challenges by the Pack Leaders or Advisors, to test the limits of their abilities.

OOC - the usual little ruleset

1: Metagaming or any other greater mixing of OOC and IC will be considered as reasons for a kick.

2: Roleplay of any explicit nature is not permissible, and can be grounds for a kick. The guild aims to create an environment in line with the ToS and 12+ age rating, and encourage our members to do the same.

3: If one is found to have issues (in terms of OOC relations) with other members, they will be asked to work these out with mediation of other members or officers if necessary. Talking slur about other players or other guild members behind their back can be reasoning for a kick.


As part of our second ever public event, we ran a caravan from Orgrimmar to Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore. At the destination, the parties split up - with one continuing to Thunder Bluff, and the other stopping for a storytelling session with the lovely Good Samaritans!


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Hello, I was wondering where may be the best moment to catch any of your officers to possibly ask about more details?

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You can ask on here, or whenever Iā€™m online in-game (itā€™s just myself who is an active officer/lead for the time being)!

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Love it! Still so occupied leveling but those screenshots make me excited to do some RP in this setting.

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Iā€™m very curious about that one, joined recently and still mainly focused on lvling and simply enjoying the game itself. However it is clear that it is RP guild and that is the focus of it, something I was searching for. :slight_smile: