[H] <The Greater Good> - LF a few specific roles for BOD HC - recruiting again

The pre-patch is coming soon, why not burn a tree together? =)
What did the Lion King tell Simba when he was walking too slow?

Completely unrelated "joke", I just thought a simple bump would not suffice. :p

Still looking for more! ^^
We're still looking for more people to join us!
Looking for more dealers of the damage.
Calling all Damage dealers, pre patch is here, 25 days until launch . Come join us in preparation for BFA! Your Horde needs you.
Bump! Damage dealer here needing some competition, come show us what you've got!
22 days to go, get your applications in before we close recruitment :)
Last few spots available for DPS, be quick.
Updated first post
Updated looking for MW Monk / Resto Shaman to join our healing team.
Hi i filled up the request form, Mage DPS LF casual and socail guild to have fun for the coming expansion :) Grimzar#2723
Updated 2 DPS and a MWM wanted
Hello there, I'm a returning player, I haven't "touched" the game since mid- MOP (apart from my nephew using this account :D ), and I have to say that I'm actually quite interested in this expansion.

Would it be possible to join this guild at all, even though it'll probably take some work for me to catch up with the current playerbase's knowledge of the game?

I intend to play as a fury/arms warrior depending on the viability of each spec for high-end raiding (mythic raiding if I understood well how things changed since back then)

Thanks a lot ;-).
Hello, I have done the Application :) Araniks#2589
Updated 12th Aug - DPS and Tanks full for now, MW Monk wanted.

Rayken - Cant find your application, unless you sent it under another name?
Updated - recruitment on hold but will open up as and when we need players so if interested keep an eye on this post.
Updated - A few slots have opened up for ranged DPS, please fill in the form if interested.