[H]Why no Love - 6/8M LF DPS

Guild & Server/Region: Why no Love, Twilight’s Hammer et al/ EU
Language: English
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, 19.45 (inv. 19.30 - 23.00)
Current Progression: 6/8M
Recruitment Contacts: Barnzy (Barnzy#21147 - dude of recruitment)
Application: Through battle.net, discord or forums:
Discord: discord.gg/6MEGwXq
Website: whynolove.eu/
Wowprogress: wowprogress. com/guild/eu/agamaggan/Why+no+love
High: Elemental Shaman, Warlock, Fury/ Arms Warrior, Unholy/ Frost Deathknight
Medium: DPS Demon Hunter, Feral Druid, Mage, Retribution Paladin, Shadow Priest, Rogue.