Halls of Infusion needs a teleporter ASAP

Please. I’ve Clocked in like 3000km in running back. Group dispanding etc.

Not fun

There is a shortcut tho.

How is it even possible to die there when m+ difficulty is not even available? Terrible tank?

never dead there dont heve problem m zero lol

  • Dying to an overpull at the drakes.
  • Dying to the ice troll boss while learning the mechanics (many people get surprised by the ice blocks exploding).
  • Needing to wipe at the last boss while doing the glory achievement run.
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They seem to explode even when they don’t break completely, and it’s one shot me every single time I’ve hidden behind a block.

I don’t get it.

You need to get behind a blue one, not a white one.


I was.

Something exploded when it got hit and I got one shot but the ice block was still there when I died.

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