Happy Holidays, Sha'glade Cartel! 🥳

I would like to give all you kind denizens of Sha’glade Cartel’s roleplaying community the very best wishes for happy and peaceful Holidays as well as a fantastic New Year! Time flies when you’re having fun, and this year sure was fun! I also wish you guys lots of creativity, smooth DMing, engaged audiences, excellent storylines, meaningful interactions, beautiful transmog… And fun! Lots lots lots of fun to be shared with your guildies and buddies.

Now, for something a little more personal since I have much to be grateful for…

I’d like to thank all the people who took upon themselves the job of providing others with RP by hosting open events, neutral RP and joint storylines. To see all those open initiatives popping up over the course of 2019 was incredibly exciting and I really hope the trend continues in the upcoming year.

Another group I wish to thank are our resident forumgoers, who consequently foster a healthy atmosphere of kindness, helpfulness and mutual respect around here. Together you have turned Sha’glade Cartel forum into the nicest official RP realm forum on EU. (Personal opinion, but you will need a crowbar to pry it away from me.) Thank you for actively making this forum a positive, accepting and encouraging space.

Through RP I had the privilege of significantly expanding my circle of kind, supportive and overall incredible friends, both within the guilds and outside of them. They say a person is a collection of memories and experiences, and all those awesome people I call my RP buddies both old and new are responsible for gifting me with a whole lot of great memories and experiences–something that, for me at least, is what RP Truly Is About. We laughed a lot, we brainstormed a lot, sometimes we cried–for all the good reasons–and all that in an atmosphere of acceptance and safety. I’d like to thank all of you for your patience and your understanding, as well as the kindness I never deserved and yet was given anyway.

Last but not least, this post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t thank my guild leaders on both sides of the faction divide–Anroka and Dulvarinn–for the time, effort and heart they put into the guilds I call my online home. You are both amazing and you’re both doing great. I hope your passion for RP keeps burning brightly as ever.

Here’s to another fruitful year! :wine_glass:


'A toast to the tales from the road behind,
to the sound of Winter Veil’s bells!
A toast to the tales the future shall find;
thank you, Sharon Wells!’



:partying_face: :evergreen_tree: :star2: :tada: :sparkles: :confetti_ball: :fireworks: :christmas_tree:


Happy Winter Veil, partner in crime.

And to the rest of you, thanks for sticking to Moonglade & Co and continue offering fun and uh ulcerinducing rp; when I rolled this toon on this server over ten years ago, I hoped but definitely didn’t dare to expect that I would keep rp-ing here for many, many years ahead. And still, here we are again, miss Sophie. Cheers. <3


Happy holidays to all you wonderful people, from a follicley-challenged forum-goer! :partying_face:


Happy Holidays indeed :slight_smile: A very sweet and considerate post - the community is lucky to have you :two_hearts:


Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the Vagrant side of the fence! :champagne:


Happy holidays to all who make this humble server worth playing. Here’s to hoping we all return from celebrations safe and sound once the new year arrives.


(Omniscient 3rd person perspective:)

It is strange how a seemingly insignificant decision can set things in motion, and bring about highly unexpected developments and events.

Someone who once seemed irrevocably indoctrinated with the the lich king’s evil, ruthless intent and attitude…

Recently found his existence lacking purpose, and decided to take an opportunity to … do some things, make some money, but most importantly, to put some …content… into his time.

Inadvertently interacting with fellow venturers expressing their own emotions and opinions, a once thoroughly lost death knight began to slowly regain a hold on himself.

Thank you all for making these realms so enjoyable for my (too) many alts!


Happy New Year!
Have some Fireworks.


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